Are you aware that a slower backswing and smooth transition & acceleration will deliver a more consistent hit? I’m NOT talking to the power hitters. I’m talking to golfers who want to break 80. Forget about trying to hit 300+ yards if you want to be accurate. The male pros are fun to watch on TV but you need to lower your expectations and learn from the great female golfers. Control your swing to avoid your MISHITS! (Not to be mispronounce as the smelly word that it is. I couldn’t resist.)
Learn from the Winning Pros
Inbee Park has a controlled golf swing that you should watch. On November 15, 2015 she had the lowest average female tournament score for the year. She has a very deliberately slow backswing and a smooth transition (without any jerking action). She is not the longest hitter but she is definitely the most accurate. Accuracy is more important than length when you want to break 80. Perfection around the green allows you to break 70.
Jordon Speith is another example of the importance of landing your drives in the fairway. Nick Faldo (CBS Sports analyst interview with Reuters) is wondering why this 22-year-old is coming off one of the best seasons in recent memory and wants to increase his driving length. Jordan said that he wants 5 or 10 yards longer off the tee by improving his swing and working hard in the gym.
Last season Jordon’s driving distance ranking was 78th at 292 yards. Faldo said that there is no need to keep up with Jason Day, Rory McIlroy or Dustin Johnson. Spieth is placing a greater emphasis on wedge play, putting and tournament preparation. “After a two-major, five-win season that saw Jordon climb to world No. 1, it’s clear that approach works, too.
Solve your Swing Problem BEFORE you Swing
Unfortunately we all watch golf tournaments on TV. Our minds lock into the thought of power and speed when we swing every time we step up to the ball. Here is how you get those dumb thoughts out of your mind:
• Choose one club longer than you need for your shot. Swing easy and enjoy the result.
• When driving, select a target distance in the fairway to land your ball at a shorter distance than you are normally trying to hit. You will be amazed at your distance.
• Have you ever tried to layup short of the golfers waiting on the fairway and blow it by them. This is my point exactly. Plan your layups and enjoy your consistent distance.
• As Don Trahan (Peak Performance blog) recently pointed out: ONLY think positive thoughts and your results will be positive.
All you need is consistent drives, fairways shots, chips and putts. Eliminate your erratic rushed swings to eliminate your mishits and your scores will drop below 100, below 90 and below 80.
Practice with your GOLFSTR+ as a straight arm reminder while you play 18 holes. Improve your shoulder rotation in the backswing, limit your backswing and enjoy your consistent swing results and lower scores. Buy one today at