In recent PGA Tournaments the pros averaged 53% to 73% hitting Greens in Regulation. Recreational golfers average well below 40% for GIR. Chipping close to the pin and finishing the hole with one putt is critical for the weekend warriors to make par. You really should spend more time pitching, chipping and putting if you want to get your score down.
Mike Calbot, Golf Doctor USA, developed a product called Wrist Lock to help golfers practice short range shots with a flat wrist. When GOLFSTR was presented to him as a training aid to keep the leading arm straight in the back swing, he immediately recommended it for use on the back of the leading wrist (or golf gloved hand). Locking the wrist flat is so critical for consistent short range shots. [Not very flattering but that’s Mike demonstrating with GOLFSTR on his wrist.]
Golf Tips Magazine and Revolution Golf Blog both provided recent articles covering the following points for chipping close to the hole.
1/ Take a narrow, open stance: Heels are 2 to 6 inches apart and the leading foot is moved a few inches back from the direction of the hitting line. This give you room to swing along the target line (without bending your wrist)
2/ Weight is on the leading foot: Shift forward so that 70% of your weight is on your leading foot to ensure that you impact with the ball before your club gets caught in the grass.
3/ Ball Back in your Stance: Having the ball lined up with your rear heel forces you to sweep down and through the ball to finish straight up the hitting line. Let the loft of the club do the lifting.
4/ Flat Wrist: Keeping a flat wrist prevents scooping the ball and flipping it off line. Low back swing and low follow-through will allow you to get crisp shots at the pin.
Direction and distance are critical for this shot. Knowing the right club to choose for the density of the grass and the distance to the pin can only be learned with practice. You need to feel the shot and know what the loft of each club will do for you.
I thought that this series of shots from Golf Tips Magazine is a great chipping illustration.
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