Archives for October, 2012

An unfair advantage – but who cares, as long as it works!

October 30, 2013  Dan Beaubien asked:  I’m inquiring about your “Straight Arm, Straight Shot” ad in Golf Magazine.  Please describe this product.  Is it a device that actually keeps the left arm straight (therefore probably not legal in competition) or something that trains the body to keep the arm straight?

Answer from Bill Curry:  You are right on both counts Dan.   GOLFSTR is used as a brain trainer to remind you to keep your leading arm straight in the back swing.  It does not restrain your arm in any way.  You just feel it come off the back of your upper arm if you bend your arm.   The wonderful benefit is that GOLFSTR builds muscle memory by wearing it as you play 18 holes and see your score drop.

On our User Guide and on our retail package we state: “ It gives you an unfair advantage so you can’t use it when playing in a competition.”

Why not use this “unfair advantage “ to learn your new swing and then enjoy your new and improved swing without wearing GOLFSTR.  If it was easy to change to a straight arm in the back swing you would have done it long ago.  I’ve had the bent arm problem for too long and finally decided to do something about.  If the pros can do it why can’t I?   Must be the steel plate lodged between my ears.  GOLFSTR was my solution and I hope it will be your solution too.

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Try Using a DRAW SWING to get rid of your Old Swing Habits

Your straight leading arm in the back swing is the key ingredient to help you correct your swing.

To help you change from an over the top swing, you may want to try positioning your feet for a draw swing with a closed stance [point your leading foot directly at the hitting line (not flared) and your lagging foot shifted 1 or 2 inches back from the hitting line].  Keep your lagging elbow bent near your side.  Sergio Garcia points out that this helps you swing from inside to out (to eliminate those crazy slices).

After getting the feel for your new inside to out swing, your swing pattern will change and you may want to eliminate the draw stance or minimize it.  Just change back to a normal in-line stance but keep your club coming from the inside instead of over the top.

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