Testimonials for GOLFSTR

We are pleased to share comments from recent users of  GOLFSTR+.   We are also suggesting that you search the word  GOLFSTR on  www.YouTube.com to find videos of golfers trying it out.  [I must say that I have recently been lazy about making testimonial entries as there are so many that I could have entered.]

Questions?    Call 905-464-8718 or send us an email with your number: sales@golfstr.com

January 2, 2019: Rich Gula, Boston, MA: Great stuff to start the new swing year! Bought your device some time ago and love it! It is a very worthy successor to The Bickler of many years ago and The Secret of The Shark! Your support online however is superb! Thank you!  [I looked up the video of the Bickler by Ken Ventura and found that it was a device to lock your wrist and I also found Greg Norman’s video about The Secret which locks you trailing wrist at the same angle in very swing.  I both cases GOLFSTR+ can provide the same training air control.]

May 12, 2018: Raymond Chastel, French Riviera: Commenting on our Swing Tip: Bring YOUR Brain When you Golf/  “You are perfectly right .  My own focus is centered on my tempo .  My dominant fault is never with the driver on the tee, because I am careful to control my tempo. The poor shots happen on the a fairway when I don’t take my time to prepare for the shot. I speed up and I lose my tempo. My backswing is abbreviated.  I hit with the right shoulder, while not moving the lower body first with the right hip .Thanks for this useful reminder.”

April 16, 2018:  Shawn Bernhard, Columbus, Ohio:    “Thank you for reaching out to me concerning my purchase attempt for GOLFSTR+.  I actually had purchased the GOLFSTR some time back and had wonderful results when I was training with it!  Long story short, I have not been able to play golf much in the last year or so but am now back at it.  I unfortunately (in much panic), was not able to find where I had put it when last used. I was in the process of ordering another when I did happen to find it (in my golf bag…duh).  Anyway, I did not complete the order as I have found it.  I’m very sorry for any confusion/issues it may have caused, and I certainly appreciate you reaching out to me.

I love this product and consider it my favorite training aid! Thanks again, Shawn Bernhard”

October 19, 2017:  Glen Mitchell, Florida comment about Milestones to Breaking Par blog:  Good post and the three things you mention are quite true.  Keep swinging HARD and FAST, not fast and furious.

June 1, 2017:  Walter Scott Mohn, North Carolina blog comments:  You keep coming up with great tips!  The heavy club tip is really helpful.  I find similar good tips to try feeling that the arms are either really heavy or really light.  I think all these tip can get similar good results when used in conjunction with soft hands and wrists.  Thanks!

May 17, 2017: “Hepster”, Powell, Ohio emailed his results:  “Used the GOLFSTR on the course on Sunday and in practice today.  Very good helper,especially with my driver which I have been overdrawing.

April 11, 2017: Dane Wiren, Boca Raton, Florida (Golf Around the World – Golf Training Aids Distributor) After placing a new stocking order he called to say that he got an order for a GOLFSTR+ from Iceland.  I Googled to find out if they golf in Iceland: There are 15, 18 hole courses and 50, 9 hole golf courses.

October 21, 2016: Marilyn Williams, Victoria, Australia: Thank you so much for your great customer service – the videos are great and I have just placed an order on your website.  Look forward to receiving my training aid.   {We suggested that she watch these videos before her lesson:

-Right way to keep the left arm straight: http://golf-info-guide.com/video-golf-tips/the-right-way-to-keep-your-left-arm-straight-video/
GOLFSTR+ Assembly and 6 Users,  https://youtu.be/zun5eLX095w
Demonstration of GOLFSTR+:  https://youtu.be/segTmeTaofY

October 19, 2016 Comment made by Scott Mohn on Amazon.com GOLFSTR:   Besides facilitating the proper feel in five other areas of golf, the basic full swing position of GOLFSTR has allowed me to learn concepts without obscuring them by causing tension in the process. Last month, for example, I shot two 73’s and one 72 within a 30 day period for the first time in almost 50 years of golf. You may not have played for 50 years, and I am not suggesting you will necessarily shoot career low scores. But I do believe GOLFSTR is the best value golf training aid on the market and, with regular use, will add pleasure and improve consistency to almost any amateur’s golf game.

September 27, 2016 Article Published in the Editors Pick, GOLF TIPS MAGAZINE:  Bill Curry had had enough. Three decades of marginal golf had seeped into his soul and threatened his love for the game, so he got a lesson and discovered the biggest bugaboo in his swing: A bent left arm going back, which robbed him of power and caused a decided out-to-in motion. Simple, right? And common, too. But discovery and maintenance are two different things. Curry couldn’t cure that swing fault on his own so he set out to design a training aid that would keep his arm straight and knock strokes off his card. Three years later he had GOLFSTR — a small, curved, clear plastic device with one end bent at a roughly 30 degree angle. By strapping it to his lower forearm with the bent end pushing against his upper bicep, he got immediate feedback when the arm broke down. The improvement was immediate and gratifying.

But that’s not the end of the story. Once Curry put GOLFSTR into production and showed it to a few teaching pros, they almost immediately came up with five more swing-straightening functions, simply by switching arms, changing positions on either arm and altering the direction of the bent end inward or outward. For instance, by moving GOLFSTR to the trailing bicep and placing the end just below the elbow, you’ll achieve a perfect 90-degree “lag” angle going back. Move it further down the same arm and the bent end will prevent too much wrist break during full shot and chip shot takeaway, while the same set-up on the leading arm (with the end bent outward instead of inward) will prevent that nasty “flip” in the chip or pitch follow-through — with the same stable-wrist effect for putting practice, too.

Our favorite is the 90-degree lag set-up, but testing found us strike the ball with more accuracy and consistency through the bag. And we love the fact that it’ll fit in a trouser pocket, and that it comes with a removable and versatile rubber tip that helps solidify contact between gadget and arm or wrist. Now GOLFSTR has attracted the notice of some big-name teachers, and rightly so. It’s a winner.  $29.99 | www.golfstr.com

June 16, 2016  Scott Mohn,  North Carolina:  I just returned from a practice session with my GOLFSTR. I have had it over two years now and it continues to help me improve. I like it in part because it does not force the lead arm to be rigid. But it trains my body to learn the feel of a relatively straight arm. I doubt if Palmer or any player could achieve their success without a relatively straight lead arm.

I received a great tip from a former LPGA Pro last year. She said get your “hands ahead and keep them there” right into impact. That tip has probably been the best I have ever received and I work on it religiously. And GOLFSTR has helped me to apply her great tip. The result has been better ball-first contact, more consistent shots and lower scores.

April 14, 2016 Raymond CHASTEL, French Riviera, France (commenting about our Swing Tip issued April 14: Small Changes Can Fix Your Game):  Great tips ,very useful , even for the average golfers that we are.  The “PETER UHLEIN ” drill with the left leg back ,was novel for me: does help to avoid rising too early in the through swing.   The extension of JORDAN SPIETH in the through swing is spectacular !

March 10, 2016:  Scott Mohn, North Carolina:  It is amazing. I just started to emphasize this move this morning when I was warming up for my round. I kept thinking about it all day — get in good contact with the ground, take it back easy so I can feel myself starting the downswing and push off with the instep of my trail foot. It worked like a charm: Shot 35-39=74. A great day!!! :) Scott

December 31, 2015:   Chris H from Hoover, Alabama:    My dog ruined the strap on my GOLFSTR+. can I buy another strap and extender for my GOLFSTR?   Please advise what you can do. Love the product and can pay with a credit card.       [ We just advised Chris to enter an order for a GOLFSTR+ with a large black armband and to use the Coupon Code: gband for a $22 discount off the retail price.  THIS OFFER IS AVAILABLE FOR ANYONE WANTING THESE COMPONENTS.]

December 20, 2015: Scott M from Traphill, North Carolina:  About our Weekly Swing Tips:  ” I carefully read all you send and I still use GOLFSTR in almost every practice session! I hope you are doing well. Have a wonderful holiday season!”

September 15, 2015: John Buck – Missoula, MT:   I am really enjoying my GOLFSTR+.  I’m hitting a lot more straight balls and your product is a constant reminder of keeping my left arm straight while playing on the course. I am also stepping up to the tee box with a lot more confidence and feel like my technique is so much more “rock solid.”  Love this training aid.  Works for me.

September 2, 2015: Matthew Maher,  Melbourne Australia:  [Purchased 3 GOLFSTR+ TRAINING AIDS]  “I just want to have a few to share around. I found them on the internet, after a particularly bad spate of wrist flipping at impact!”

July 22, 2015: Reggie Pinuelas, Van Nuys, CA:  I can’t wait to get it so I can fix that left arm bending on my students. And use other ways too. I thought about inventing something like your product years ago. Glad you’ve done it for me.

[FOLLOW-UP MESSAGE] I am a teaching pro in Van Nuys, CA. I have my own system and keep it simple. I have been teaching for over 20 years and have had huge success. Your tool matches what I teach in my drills. I will watch your video for sure. I am already receiving YOUR Swing Support Center. I review and pass info to my students as needed.

July 9, 2015: Scott M, Traphill, NC: {excerpts from a response to our blog issued July 8, 2015 about Tempo being more important than Speed and Technique for Weekend Worriers]   I completely agree. And using the GOLFSTR has encouraged me to focus on making a swing at what feels like an unhurried tempo with a smooth, full back swing while maintaining a relatively straight, extended lead arm.

GOLFSTR helped me to realize that to maintain that extension in the lead arm through to impact, the lead arm has to remain relatively soft as I make a smooth, unhurried transition into the down swing. This only works when an appropriate tempo is maintained and it seems like one of the hardest things for most people to learn.

A good thing I have found about the GOLFSTR is that it does not force your lead arm to remain straight but it helps you feel when it has been forced to bend by some unwanted force during your swing.  Sometimes I feel amazed how well I hit a shot when the tempo seems to be even and not fast or hurried. 

May 15, 2015: Scott M, Traphill, NC:  Your product arrived this morning and, of course, contained the instruction sheet.  I actually got it on and hit balls with it this morning. I can say already that it is a help with my full swing. Thanks! It is now one of only two training aids that I own and have in my bag — although I have tried a great many others that were of questionable value.   I found a link to your site in one of the regular messages I receive from Thomas Golf.  If you have other training aids I would like to know what they are.   [Glad to see that the Thomas Golf referrals are creating sales for GOLFSTR+.   Our 6 in 1 swing training aid is the first of many to come.  Keep those comments coming in.]

April 2, 2015: Dr David Riddell, Brockville Ontario Canada:  Best aid I ever bought.  Use it every practice session.  I’ve been using GOLFSTR for 2 yrs.  It helps me keep my lead arm straight through out the swing.  It really helps at impact and extension through the swing path, as this is where I see most arms collapse too soon.  Like all sports extension is key to power.  [Wow, I love it when we receive testimonials like this.  Dave bought his GOLFSTR before we released the Black Rubber Extender so we are sending him an updated version in appreciation for his comments.]

March 17, 2015: Jim Wright, Certified PGA Professional, Director of Instruction, Golfer’s Grail
Tampa, FL:
I gave a chipping/putting clinic last Saturday. I used GOLFSTR+ for their chipping so they wouldn’t FLIP.  It worked great.  Two of them wanted it right away and asked to borrow it for use on the course.  I think you came up with a very simple device that works great for putting, chipping and the left arm on full swings. Thanks.

January 23, 2015: Raymond Chastel, French Riviera, France:   Among the many musts to master a perfect golf swing comes the straight left arm :when chipping ,the straight left wrist. GOLFSTR does just that. A simple and effective training aid which does just the job required. Even with my low one figure handicap, you keep learning and improving.  [This is the second comment about GOLFSTR+ from Raymond (80+ years of age, plays 18 holes 3 times / week, and has a single digit handicap.  So impressed that he plays so well and still tells us about using his GOLFSTR+.]

January 15, 2015: Gilles Brindamour, Richelieu, Quebec, Canada:   I religiously read all your comments (Swing Tips) every week. They are very much “to the point” and it almost looks as though you’re reading my mind before writing your weekly tips. Your weekly page is exactly like a perfect swing: simple, focused, no frills and easy to understand.   [I thanked Gilles for warming my heart.  I truly hope that our Weekly Swing Tips (listed in YOUR Swing Support Center on this site) are helping all of our readers improve their game.]

This is the same course where Will Curry, the inventor of GOLFSTR, tested the first prototype of GOLFSTR and shot 2 over par after the first 11 holes.

This is the same course where Will Curry, the inventor of GOLFSTR, tested the first prototype of GOLFSTR and shot 2 over par after the first 11 holes.

January 2, 2015,  New Golfer (Name withheld by request), Vancouver, BC Canada:    I want to share an email that I received from a 55 year old golfer who shot 117 at the Pete Dye course at Mission Hills in Palm Springs, bought a GOLFSTR+ at a PGA Tour SuperStore, the next day he tried it out on the practice range and then played the same course and shot a 94. It was the first time that he had ever broken 100 on any course let alone a demanding course like that one. His best line was: “I felt like Clark Kent taking off my glasses and the kryptonite kicking in, could this be… “

His big breakthrough was learning to keep his leading arm straight during his swing by using GOLFSTR+. In less than 6 months of playing serious golf he is shooting back to back rounds of 86. You can tell that he is excited about this breakthrough by the details provided. Here is his story if you’d to read it in his own words.

To see the actual email,  check out this blog. https://golfstr.com/best-golf-breakthrough/

December 18, 2014: Raymond Chasel, French Riviera, France  responded to our delivery message:   I am a golf addict and I roam on the web to find Golf training aids. Moreover I am subscribed to the most important US Golf instruction sites.  Though over 80 years of age, I play to a 7 Handicap and go on the golf course-18 holes- 3 times a week all year around.  [We asked Raymond to tell us how he likes GOLFSTR+ (mailed yesterday).  Also excited to see that this committed golfer at his age decided to purchase our training aid.]

November 2, 2014: Michael Yu called about the delivery of his GOLFSTR+:  It was late on delivery.  Michael had discovered GOLFSTR+ during a lesson at GolfTEC in a Golfsmith store on Stevens Creek Blvd, Santa Clara/ San Jose.  Moe Morgan is an instructor who used a GOLFSTR+ to help Michael stop cupping his wrist in the backswing.  Michael said that this improvement in his swing also helped him stop his flying elbow.   He just “needed some muscle memory” to see the improvement and get out of his old habit.

July 2 to October 16, 2014: Michael Breed golf commentator on The GOLF ACADEMY/ GOLF FIX (GOLF CHANNEL) called and left a message asking us to call him back.  Yes it was Michael Breed, the one person in the world who could wake-up the world to the benefits of GOLFSTR+.  He had seen our ad in the PGA Magazine and thought that a single golf training aid with 6 fixes was an amazing product, “especially one that could easily be carried in your pocket”. Over the past few months we have been discussing a business arrangement but he just could not afford the time to make this happen.  Unfortunately I don’t have Michael’s endorsement for GOLFSTR but he sure liked the concept.  4,000 golfers are using GOLFSTR+ so we know that we are on the right track.  Someday we hope that Michael will take another look at this amazing product.

September15, 2014: Clay in South Africa: I just ordered my GOLFSTR. Yes am wanting to correct the arm, but the other uses are a bonus and I will definitely send feedback to you Bill.  Looks like a great piece of equipment!

August 5, 2014: Diane in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada: My husband will often tell me that I’m bending my left arm and I get angry with him because I really don’t think that I am! . But when a gal I was golfing with last week said the same thing, I decided to wear the GOLFSTR and it made a HUGE difference in my game!   I’d also like to say that I’m SO impressed that you actually took an idea and made it into something that exists! Hats off to you!

July 11, 2014:  MICHAEL D. NY, NY:  Thanks for the response as I will zone in on keeping the arm straight and limit the backswing to the flexibility level that I have. I also like the added benefit in that it trains you to have proper wrist angle for the backswing. If I can put these two together it should make quite a difference. Even with my lousy form I am able to drive the ball about 225.

July 3, 2014: Larry Schweichler, Caledonia, NY:  Great putting tips!  Thanks GOLFSTR!  [referring to the Swing Tip of the Week: Michelle Wei Did it Too.  Martin Kaymer and Michelle Wei both won their US Open on the strength of their approach shots and putting.]

June 17, 2014: Bill Farrell, Mount Airy, MD: I received the second GOLFSTR and will giving it to my local pro tomorrow.  I also shared it with a pro at GolfTec and he really like it.  All in all, I am pleased with it.  Will use it tomorrow while I am at the range.  I did play 9 holes with it on last week. (He commented about pressure on the back of the arm.  I suggested: 1/ flip the extender over for more extension, 2/ slide the extender out, 3/ try different positions keeping the band below the elbow and 4/ when holding a club your muscles change the contour of your arm.)

June 11, 2014: Wally T in Lethbridge, Alberta, purchased 2 GOLFSTRs July 2012:  I’ve used GOLFSTR for over a year now and it’s one of the best Golf aids out there, I have bought most of all the other products that are advertized. Some work, other you threw in the garbage. GOLFSTR works as it’s advertized.  Great for chipping and putting. I would recommend this golf aid as it gives you 100% feed back. WALL T

April 3, 2014: Gilles Brind’Amour, Richelieu, Quebec: “I was among the early buyers of GOLFSTR [July 20, 2012]; back in the days when there was no mold and the items were cut, bent and engraved by hand, one by one (an authentic collector’s piece!)  At that  time, the flexible extension did not exist. It looks to me like a very useful addition!”  [FYI: The first 850 were cut from acrylic sheets using a CNC pattern cutter and formed in a wooden mold in a pizza oven.]
P.S.: Here is a copy of the e-mail I just sent to Michael Breed:
Michael,  I have seen your demonstration of the need for a flat wrist on the backswing using a HANGER. Now, before you hurt yourself with such a device may I suggest you take a look at this very simple AND effective aid: https://golfstr.com   P.S. I am not getting paid for this, I am just a very satisfied customer…”

[BINGO, I sent him a new GOLFSTR+ no charge.  I love happy customers.]

March 28, 2014: Richard, New Mexico:Nice speaking with you today while I was wearing my GOLFSTR on the practice range.”  [Richard bought his GOLFSTR August 10, 2013 just before we launched GOLFSTR+ with a black rubber extender.  He wanted to buy an EXTENDER and Bill Curry was just returning a call to this dedicated user. ]

March 6, 2014: Jerry, Orlando Golf Lesson: Here is a 77 year old gentleman learning to swing with a straight leading arm for more distance.  He was really surprised that he could hit longer, straight and with more control.

March 4, 2014: Charles  Guarnieri, Beverly, NJ: [Contest Winner for February, 2014] ” . . . . I  am  a  big  fan  of  yours,  could  you  please  send  me  an  autograph  picture  of  you,  it  would  really  mean  a lot  to  me.”  ( I love this, my fan club is growing, and I certainly sent out the autographed Photo.)

 February 13, 2014: James Rich, Jericho, NY:Thank you for a fantastic product and tip. Let me know if you have any new products or golf tips.”  [James purchase GOLFSTR+ in July 2013 and was commenting about the Swing Tip for this week: The DOT to Save Your Game.  Jimmy is a real fan of GOLFSTR+.

February 1, 2014: B. J. Hathaway, Mind Factor Master Coach at Augusta Golf Instruction: I was actually looking for a good solution for a bent left arm at impact for one of my students when I came across your website. Looking forward to testing it out!  [Check out Mind Factor: “Karl Morris has been a major factor on and off the course for four or five years, giving me a basic understanding of how I should work as both a player and a person.”   – Graeme McDowell, 2010 US Open Champion, and many other pros unscrambled their brains with help from Karl Morris]

January 8, 2014: Jimmy Glenn, Hoover, AL:   Last fall, I’d fallen into the habit (again!) of letting my left elbow bend in my back swing.  I mentioned to a friend that I meant to snag a 6 inch plastic ruler and a few rubber bands from the office to rig up some sort of device to nip that habit in the bud.  Fortunately, I stumbled across your product before impaling my left forearm with a wooden ruler!  [Glad to hear that we saved another golfers life.]

January 8, 2014: Jeff L.  LA, CA  I’m a 14 handicap and one of my biggest problems has always been over swinging, more than John Daly, even though I manage to make contact and hit it fairly straight.  I guess I’m too flexible 🙂  I’m hoping this may fix the issue.  [GOLFSTR+ is a great reminder to limit you backswing as you start to bend your elbow.  Expect it to work for Jeffrey.]

Snow Tees for Winter Golf in South Korea. Note the 3 different heights. Great idea.

Snow Tees for Winter Golf in South Korea. Note the 3 different heights. Great idea!

December 15, 2013: Customer stationed in US Army in South Korea purchased a GOLFSTR+” to help keep my left arm straight on the backswing.  Of note when playing in snow, balls are cold and do not fly near as far due to no elasticity.  Sucks getting snow all over the club face too.  Then there is digging into the snow to get ball.  All good fun though.”  Wonderful to get international sales, in warm or cold weather.

December 15, 2013: Order #4000 was just placed by a customer from  in Laguna Niguel, California just south of LA.  Amazing country and I will bet that the golf is wonderful there too.

December 2, 2013: 98 Members of The Golf Partners Club Evaluated GOLFSTR+ and 77% recommended it.   One of the testers commented:  “I would recommend this product. You notice a difference right away. I even used it while playing Tiger Woods on the wii to get used to it and it still worked.”  [I wonder if he beat Tiger?]

November/December 2013 Issue Southern California Golf Association page 53: Robert Sacks:  “I found that after using it for a while, I was hitting shots straighter.  The product gave me feedback on when to stop the backswing and forces you NOT to over swing.  Instead, it lets you take a proper backswing that helps you keep the ball straighter and longer.”  Fore GOLF Magazine SCGA

October 30, 2013: Gary “Buddy” Burge Ph.D.,  Kleinburg, Ontario:   As of October 2013, I have been golfing for 6 years. My friends would attest that I have tried every gadget Golf Channel has ever sold (I think). GOLFSTR has easily been for me the most helpful tool for one of the most difficult but important pieces of the golf swing, to keep a straightened left arm. It has really helped me.”

More comments from the 100 NAMG (North American Media Group) Golf Partners Club 100 testers.  Not all of the comments are a glowing as these but I just love to see how happy many users are.  64% of the test results are in and there are still 84% recommending purchase.

icemonn:  Great Product  10/24/2013 7:18:22 PM  Works well for chipping and putting. Product is very simple to use and can be easily kept in golf bag and not take up a lot of space. Product can be used through a hole round of golf without being cumbersome.

rsmith132: straight arm trainer  10/16/2013 8:47:16 AM  This product really works. I was able to consistently hit every shot that I took. An excellent tool for those of us that need to be reminded to slow down and focus.

Catfish47 Golfstr straight arm swing trainer  10/23/2013 3:11:12 PM   Interesting designed training aid. Can be worn during regular play, not during tournaments. Best application came when using for chipping and putting. Helps train you to keep left wrist solid, not cupped.

cubsfan865 : Straight-Arm Trainer 10/14/2013 12:48:02 PM I haven’t gotten to use this very much yet but I’ve hit a few golf balls in my yard with it. The straight-arm trainer took most of my slice away because it lets you know where to stop your back-swing.

LGarrett1 : Great golf tool for any level 10/14/2013 9:59:58 AM  The straight arm trainer is a great golf tool for any level of experience for those players who wish to have that straight lead arm in their backswing like the pros. Although it doesn’t MAKE you keep your arm straight, it is a muscle reminder to train yourself to do so and think about it. Repetition is key.

sbaer2 : good training 7/28/2013 3:20:44 PM  i played golf a few times before i got these arm trainers and i stunk. then i found these and got them i learned fast and good before too long i was better than some of my friends

October 12, 2013: 100 members of GOLF Partners Club (USA) were given a GOLFSTR+ and asked to rate this product.  Half of the responses have been received and 84% of the testers are recommending it.  Here are some of their comments:

Don Cori: As a novice to the game of golf I have always struggled with keeping my elbows and wrists straight. This product helped me to keep good form and improve my game. I was able to understand the instructions right out of the packaging and the product felt very comfortable on my arm. The price is reasonable and the product is lightweight to wear.

A J McPherson: This is a product that will definitely improve my game. I found that by wearing this product while play that my shots were not only better but also straighter. I am a slice golfer and I had more straight shots than I ever had before. This product is a winner.

A C Costa:  The product is simple, efficient and works well as a reminder of correct arm and wrist action in the swing.  Will use it often in the Spring to prepare for golf season.

N Dunlop: This product improved my golf swing by helping me keep my arm straight on every swing. At first, it was a little uncomfortable, but once I got the feeling it helped immensely. It also did not wear out over time which is a great characteristic of a great product.

R J Kramer: The straight arm trainer is a good product for the golfer who wants a quick and easy training product to help their swing.

C Silveira: If you want help to lose some strokes in your golf game this product will help.

Rick: I found this product to be helpful in having a more consistent golf swing. Having the rubber tip touching the back of my arm is a good reminder to keep my arm straight during my backswing.

S Walton: I think GOLFSTR is really good for the beginning golfer. It really helps keep your wrist straight while putting or chipping which is always hard to overcome at first. I also recommend it to anyone that wants to improve their game. It lets you feel pressure on your arm during your back swing, so you have a better feel of how you are doing.

J McKinnis: This product is a must have for guys who want to shred strokes off of their daily game of golf. This product teaches your arm to stay straight causing you to hit farther and more accurate

Carlos: Makes you aware of going too far back on the backswing.  It stopped me from breaking my wrist during putting.  Adjustable so my girl was able to use it. I would recommend it because at the driving range and putting green it gave me a more powerful and controlled swing. I was actually hitting the ball straighter more consistently then before. My girl was happy to know what she was doing wrong and also happy that she was hitting the ball better. Enjoyed the product.


October 1, 2013  Josh Alderson, Hastings, Michigan   Thanks for sending this. Love the product, huge help and the Extender will make it even better. Had three surgeries on my shoulder and was having problems keeping my arm straight without GOLFSTR. Almost back to my single digit self.

September 6, 2013  Wayne Coleman, WV [purchased July 2012]   I love my GOLFSTR!   I have lowered my handicap to below 10 for the first time this year. I can honestly say I believe its because of using  GOLFSTR. The EXTENSION you sent me along with the new drills are extremely useful. The only thing I would change would be the strap color. I bought a white one, and it really gets dirty. I wash it but it shows stains badly. Can I get a black replacement, in large? Please let me know how I can get one if available.  [ NOTE to all users of GOLFSTR: To purchase a new arm band just enter the Coupon Code: arm band when you enter an order on the website  for any size and color of arm band.  Your order will be discounted by the product price and you will only be charged the $10 S&H fee.]

August 15, 2013   Barry  “Maddog”  Wells, Gold River, BC (using GOLFSTR since June 2012 and requested an Extender) I too would love to try the extender, as I  love my  GOLFSTR. it is helping me hit it   STR8-ER, go figure ! Thanks,   Barry.

August 15, 2013  Bill Rees,  Poland, Ohio    ” GOLFSTR has been the best training device for keeping my left arm straight, not only for full swing long shots, but for my pitches, chips, and bunker shots as well. ”   [Bill purchased his on June 3, 2013,  We love to hear these comments and new uses for GOLFSTR.  December 28, 2012  Gary Benson, Nebraska a 5 handicap golfer also found GOLFSTR useful to keep his leading arm straight for chipping.]

August 12, 2013  Wayne Coleman,  Martinsburg, WV, the proud owner of a GOLFSTR  purchased in July 2012 :   “I use GOLFSTR  every time I practice or am playing a casual round. I can honestly say it has improved my score 3-4 strokes.”   (He contacted us to ask how to get a Black Rubber EXTENDER.  Of course there was no charge for the EXTENDER when I receive heart-warming comments like that.)

July 11, 2013   Tom, New York:    Just to let you know….my handicap went from 10 in the beginning of the year to currently a 6. I give most of the credit to working with GOLFSTR  and my commitment to it.     Not only has GOLFSTR  helped my full swing but with the pitches it’s helped me to turn back and thru the ball using my upper body and not just my arms. I never hit balls at the range without GOLFSTR.  [Tom even gave me access to verify the handicap change.   BINGO.]

June 7, 2013  Leon Gibbs:  Thanks for the terrific putting tip incorporating the GOLFSTR with wrist stability. My putting game needs improvement and I will definitely give this tip a try.  [Try using GOLFSTR for a straight wrist in putting, chipping and back-swing too.]

June 6, 2013  Bill Rees,  Poland, Ohio:  Thanks for the status report. I’m eager to use GOLFSTR to help me with a slightly bent left arm issue that I recently discovered. I found that I wasn’t establishing the correct left arm radius at address to match that at impact, which was causing me to hit even short pitch shots too close to the hosel. I know GOLFSTR is going to create a better kinesthetic sensation to help me keep the left arm radius constant, especially from address to the end of the back-swing.   The timing of my discovery of your product and what I’m working on with my golf swing is interesting. I’ll try GOLFSTR for the other swing issues as well and let you know how it turns out for all four situations.  [Referring to 3 new training aid applications with GOLFSTR when mounted on the golf glove hand on the wrist and curved over the knuckles]

May 3, 2013  Deia Nguyen, Switzerland:   Just to inform you that I have received the 2 GOLFSTRs.  They are as expected.  Thank you for the fast delivery and the friendly contact.  [The order had been sent by airmail and delivered within 11 days.  I had asked Deia the number of golf courses in Switzerland as this was the second order in 2 months from this country.  ANSWER: 95 . . . amazing!]

April 19, 2013  Leon Gibbs, Virginia:  Hi Bill: Thanks for the quick reply. I will follow your advice [ref response to sweating on hot days: I advised that sweat increases the connection on the arm only at the small point of contact] . I am a new customer, having received your product March 15th. I have been receiving your very informative weekly emails too. Keep up the good work and wishing you all the best with  GOLFSTR! I have used it so far only on the driving range as shown in your videos. One of these days, I might wear it for a practice round with my golf buddies.

April 3, 2013  Patrick Keating, San Jose, CA: Purchased the GOLFSTR after seeing the ad in a golf magazine in my dentist office.  My GolfTEC instructor was constantly trying to get me to keep my left arm straight” and stop “chicken winging” it (flying left elbow).  I brought this in and he loved it….   It also helps me consistently hit a slight draw, has added at least 10-15 yards per iron, about 25 yards in my drives….   Dropped from 16 handicap to a 9, have no doubts that it will drop to a 7….

March 19, 2013   Adam Payne, New South Wales,  Australia:    There is a website called golftipsmag.com that I occasionally read.  They recommended your product so I visited your website.  I’m a 25 handicap and am very inconsistent.  My last round was just terrible so I want to try some different things. I tend to slice and hit weak shots, so I know my swing plane is poor and I come off the ball. [I asked Adam to let us know how he makes out with GOLFSTR.]

January 1, 2013  Michael Kirshon, Melbourne, Australia:  Have played a few rounds with and without the GOLFSTR.  There is a distinct difference in my swing AND my score when wearing GOLFSTR.  I am a high handicap golfer who is now on his way to a straighter arm and a lower handicap.  I think it is a terrific product, and I am so happy I bought it!

December 28, 2012  Gary Benson, Nebraska:  Just wanted to tell you that I love this product.  I have always worked hard to keep my arm straight but having some feedback is very helpful. I am a 5 handicap but have a tendency to miss a lot of greens and I feel it is from my arm breaking down. I am pretty good at getting up and down so score ok but think this will make me better and more consistent. I will keep you posted on my progress. Being in Nebraska I won’t get to play a lot for a while but have been using it to make swings in the house every day.

December 22, 2012: Larry Schweichler, Caledonia, NY:  [Winner of the GARMIN Watch Contest]     I can’t wait to try out the GARMIN Watch and my improved swing when the spring weather returns. Yes I have noticed a difference even on hitting into my net. As I have the net in an indoor heated enclosure I am looking forward to working much more with GOLFSTR in the new year after the holiday season.

December 15, 2012: John Gaudin, Rocky Point, NY:  We  just talked to John to confirm that he had received his GOLFSTR (re slow delivery in the Xmas mail).  He said that he had received it and  that it is a great product as he had been practicing in the back yard with it. “It reminds you to keep your leading arm straight and it doesn’t lock your arm in place (like another product that he tried) . . . .  because you need to learn the right swing  with a reminder.  Really like it a lot.”  I (Bill Curry, the inventor) told him that we now call it the PORTABLE PRO and he agreed that it really makes sense.

November 28, 2012: Jeff Storer, Savannah, GA:  I have a GOLFSTR and find it helpful. Before you go any farther teaching beginners to preset their wrists, I suggest you read the classic “On Learning Golf” by Percy Boomer. You can buy it as a e-book from Amazon for about ten bucks.  [NOTE: Glad you like your GOLFSTR.  My tip was only advice to help in the transition to incorporate a hinged wrist.]

November 21, 2012: Meor, Malaysia:  I came across your product in a US golf magazine. The product already arrived in Malaysia last week.  I can’t wait to try your product within this week.    [NOTE: Order mailed Nov 5 and received by Nov 16.  Airmail took 11 days to Malaysia.]

November 19, 2012: Bryan , London England:  I found the product by searching “straight arm golf aid” on Google. I also went on YouTube to see demonstrations.  It seems to be the product I was looking for and hopefully will help me improve my consistency.

October 16, 2012:  Michael Fellwock, Plano, TX:  I saw an advertisement, I believe in  “Golf Magazine” about your product and I’ve found thru practicing keeping my left arm straight helps my game get more consistent. I’ve tried several products on the market, but none of them allow you to take a full swing.  Your product will allow me not only to take a full swing but play a practice round with it on.

NEWS FLASH:  October 5, 2012 inventor of GOLFSTR hit a 310 yard drive.  I had a 20 – 25 mile/hr tail wind but my straight arm and hinged wrist made all the difference.   I love this game!

October 3, 2012: Bob Gallant, Oakville (purchased 1 of the first GOLFSTR training aids  April 2012): “I used the draw swing which you suggested in your BLOG and have now straightened out my hits.  I cleared the creek on #7 at our course for the first time ever.  It had to be  200 yards in the air to clear it.  I am so pleased.”

August 26, 2012:  Shawn Cox, Director of Golf, The Grand Golf Club, San Diego, CA [California’s only Forbes Triple Five-Star Resort: “Used GOLFSTR this morning with a good female golfer.  I like it a lot…”

July 14, 2012:  Bill Curry, Inventor of GOLFSTR :  My game is really improving.  Before GOLFSTR, I had a 23 handicap (at the start of 2011).  My handicap has now dropped to 16 as I just shoot a round of 77 at the Oakville Golf Club, par 70, 6,084 yards, slope 131.  I write and play all sports left handed but have always played golf with right handed clubs because they were the only clubs available in the house.  Keeping my leading arm (left arm) straight in the back-swing has been harder for me than for most people.   I am constantly practicing with with my GOLFSTR and have to hit balls into a net with GOLFSTR before I play.  Chipping and putting are so important but if I hit drives in the fairway and hit greens in regulation I have a good chance to birdie or par every hole.

July 2012 GOLF MAGAZINE: Article by Sergio Garcia: “Two things that should help your backswing: (1) Make sure you fold your right elbow and keep it near your torso and (2) keep your left arm straight.  If you can make these two moves you’ll be that much tighter on the way back, which is another way of saying you’re in better control.  Plus, if you bend your left arm you’ll sap power from your motion, and if you fail to bend your right elbow or allow it to fly out away from your body, you’ll never get the club on plane.” [for article Click Here]

June 11, 2012 Candid Camera Video of Raong Phalavong at Blue Springs Golf Club Driving Range (Club Link): Raong offered to try out GOLFSTR.  She told us that she was an infrequent golfer and that her ” longest drive ever was about 100 to 110 yards”.  She sure shattered that record. Video:  [CLICK HERE]

June 10, 2012 Interview of an Upcoming Professional: Owen Davidson at 5 years old:   It’s amazing to see how he instantly picked up the golf swing using GOLFSTR.  Keeping his leading arm straight helped him make great shots while playing with plastic golf balls in his backyard.  Video:   [CLICK HERE]

May 28, 2012 Agus Suparman, Indonesia:  I saw it at Golf Tips in my on-line subscription and had to buy it.  The price is right.

May 27, 2012 Marc Krabbenborg, Netherlands:  Most striking on your ad, is the punch-line: Straight arm – Straight shots. I simply couldn’t agree more – and always realize (afterwards) that my arm wasn’t straight every time a shot wasn’t straight.

May 24, Tom Krahelski, Redlands, CA:  Tom called and asked about the shipment of his GOLFSTR (which was on it’s way).  He mentioned that he had previously purchased a long blue tube which was supposed to help him keep his leading arm straight.  He said “It sure did that but I couldn’t complete my swing”.  He was very pleased to see that GOLFSTR could be used while he played 18 holes of golf.  “This really makes sense.”

May 25, 2012  Kenny Yap, Malaysia:  “I saw your product in June issue of Golf  Tips Magazine and as I was having problem with keeping my leading arm straight I found your aid ideal for me.   I am a 16 handicapper and an owner of a golf resort in Malaysia called Clearwater Sanctuary Golf Resort ( www.cwsgolf.com.my)      Thanks Kenny Yap”

May 17, 2012   Borja Zabala de la Sota in Spain:   “I am sure this gadget will help me a lot, my biggest problem is to bend the elbow.”   [Borja is one of our International Customers living in SPAIN.  We are pleased to ship anywhere in the world.]   May 24, 2012  I played 18 holes twice after training and great.  Thanks a lot!   Bj

May 16, 2012    Mike Berthiaume, Windsor, Ontario, Canada:    Received it today Bill.  I have taken a few swings with it, as I have a tarp and mat set up where I work, and was amazed by how it showed me that my arm wasn’t as straight as I thought it was during my swing.  I will be hitting a bucket Thursday and golfing 18 on Friday and Monday, and hope to use it for both rounds.  I want to get as many reps as I can, so I can start to work the proper swing into memory.

April 19, 2012  Andy Schwabe, member of Oshawa Golf & Curling Club:  “I’ve been working on keeping the left arm straight for a little while and it really works well, but I’m not 100% consistent yet, so I figured I’d try your device.  I’ve never bought a golf gadget before, but yours came at just the right time, looked simple enough and was reasonably priced.”

February 12, 2012:  Bill Curry, Inventor of GOLFSTR:  , Ray Romano would be proud of me as I shot a 79 from the Blue Tees at Spanish Wells, Bonita Springs, FL.  Yes it was my first round under 80 and that was Ray’s goal (Haney Project, the Golf Channel).  I did my warm up on the driving range with GOLFSTR and removed it after the first hole.  Yes, I had a little help for one hole but I’m ready to do it again without the help of  GOLFSTR.

Written by Tod Leonard 12:04 a.m., May 24, 2010  Cox Celebrity Championship  RANCHO SANTA FE —   Actor Ray Romano’s dream of breaking 80 will have to be realized another day. In the Cox Celebrity Championship hosted by Drew Brees over the weekend, Romano couldn’t break another barrier — 90. He shot 93 Saturday and 92 Sunday to finish at 43-over par on the par-71 Morgan Run track.  Romano, 52, was trying to break 80 in one of his last chances while filming the Golf Channel show, “The Hank Haney Project.” Since November, he has been working with the well-known swing coach to fix the flaws ingrained by 30 years of mediocre golf.  “It’s called ‘Break 80 Eventually,’ ” Romano joked about a possible new title for the Haney show.  A 15-handicapper, Romano said he believes he has improved, and there were certainly signs of progress on Sunday.

[Of course I’m going to send GOLFSTR to Ray and I hope he will use it. What a Game Changer.]

February 20, 2012:  Golf Professional Lee Beauchamp:  “GOLFSTR has really been helpful in my lessons for both new golfer and experienced golfers. It seems to be the ideal practice device to help them make a better connection with the ball.”

February 25, 2012: John James (Fort Myers, FL :  Commenting during a golf lesson where GOLFSTR  was offered to help him keep his leading arm straight.  “This is really helpful and I have so much more power!”

December 22, 2011:  James Fitzgerald (Palm Desert, CA):  Commenting while using GOLFSTR  on his golf course.  “Sure does make me pay attention (to the straight arm in the back swing) and I’m hitting more consistently.  Love it! “

December 15, 2011: Bill Curry, Inventor of  GOLFSTR:  The first time that I usedGOLFSTR  I was playing Mission Hills in Palm Desert and was 2 over par after 11 holes.   Then I lost my focus and messed up a few holes.  I’ve never played this well in my life.  That successful trial and comments for many other users have inspired me to release this product to the general market.








