We all read golf tips from the pros in golf magazines and watch for them on TV or the internet. You never know when you will find that perfect swing trick that will turn YOUR game around. Every golfer has different mental blocks and body strengths (and weaknesses). All you have to find is the mental and physical tricks that work for YOU. Recreational golfers are NOT in the same shape as pros and we don’t practice anywhere as often. That’s why tips from the pros point-of-view may not be working for you!
This week I just wanted to share a number of tips and tricks from Recreational Golfers who are having the greatest impact on my game. By the way, GOLFSTR+ is a good way to get your mind zoned-in when you are practicing for all 6 of its Swing Fixes.
Last week I told you that confidence breeds success. Unfortunately success goes to our heads. We get cocky and think that our last great drive will be even better if we just put a little more oomph into the next drive. WRONG! I don’t know if its adrenaline or just a mental stupidity but consistent grip, stance and tempo seem to be the most important “tricks” that work for pros and recreational golfers.
Approach every shot using consistent tempo. Start your setup for every shot with the SAME constant demeanor. Get your heart rate down. Get in your comfort zone with your mind totally focused on YOUR shot. If you find yourself thinking about a squawking bird or an irritating person behind your swing path, just step out of your shot, remove the irritation and refocus your mind on your target, relaxation & and a smooth, accelerating swing.
Commitment: Focus on hitting shots to a specific spot. Hit it and builds confidence for my next shot.
1/ Light grip and relaxed shoulders for more power and distance.
2/ Swing with a straight arm take-away, flat wrist at the top and trailing elbow grazing your ribs on the way down to control your draw.
3/ By feeling a “heavy club” your transition allows you to hold your lag and then throw (or whip) your club head from the inside through impact for power and distance.
4/ On the fairway, use 1 more club and swing with more directional control with LESS force.
5/ Plan for less break in your putts when you put with a little more speed if you pass the hole by a foot. [Hint: the worst break happens as you ball slows down.]
If you expect a poor result, it will happen. Recognize the weakness in your game and then practice with GOLFSTR+ to eliminate the FEAR. Build confidence in your game. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com