As Nike says: Just Do It. So why can’t you just keep that leading arm straight. About 50% of golfers have this problem. Change is difficult as it requires practice and commitment. My message today gives you more incentive to stick to it and make your STRAIGHT ARM SWING happen.
Over the past year sales for GOLFSTR have been way beyond our expectation. Occasionally I receive an immediate response that GOLFSTR does not lock or hold your leading arm straight in the back swing. Guess what! GOLFSTR just a brain trainer. It’s just the reminder while you learn your new swing. Using GOLFSTR you can see the improvement that a straight arm will give you: in your drives, on the fairway and in your short game.
Unfortunately if it was easy to change your swing, you would have done it long ago. Buying GOLFSTR is just the first step. I just want you to understand the additional benefit of the straight leading arm (as your incentive to make it happen).
As you keep your leading arm straight:
1/ In the back swing you can just focus on the 90 degree hinge in your wrist and keeping you lagging elbow near your side (for the Sergio Garcia POWER SWING).
2/ In the transition at the top of your swing just focus on starting rotation from the hip and just drop your arms down while holding the arm straight and the club lag (at a 90 degree wrist hinge).
3/ And down to impact you need to keep your leading arm straight for consistent connection with the ball.
Jeff Richmond (Consistent Golf Blog) provided the following shot of Ben Hogan who keeps his leading arm RIGID STIFF in the back-swing and right through to impact. This image shows Hogan’s 23 degree lag angle on his wrist hinge. Jeff points out that a 90 degree lag angle is good, a 45 degree gives you even more power but a 23 degree is “crazy good”.
I’m not advocating the 23 degree lag for everyone but it sure highlights the importance of STRAIGHT ARM and LAG. Go for it. Tiger does it and you can too!