My New Aha! Moment in Golf – – – Controlled Transition!

Oprah Winfrey created the term “Aha! Moment”.  I have now had two Aha! Moments in golf.  My first was with STRAIGHT LEADING ARM and it lead to the creation of GOLFSTR .  So why was I still messing up a few holes in most of my rounds of golf.  CONTROLLED TRANSITION at the top of the back-swing has made ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

Near the end of my recent 2 months wintering in Florida, I had a very special round of golf with one of the most connected presidents of golf clothing and golf club brands in the world.   He was well aware of my development of GOLFSTR .  I showed it to him before we played but I did not have a chance to use it on the range before we played.  Guess I was a little tight.  I played my worst round in over 10 years.

Nearing the end of the round I finally asked my playing partner what he thought I was doing wrong.  I was hoping that this 5 handicap golfer could identify my fault.  He said “You seem to be a little right side heavy.”   Thinking about this later I realized that I was rushing my transition at the top and not finishing the follow through.

Aha! Moment: Slow down the transition and accelerate through the ball.  [The problem is that I have been rushing my transition (and bend my leading arm at the top) when I really try to hit a longer shot.]


-When I start to play really well, I mess-up my next shot by trying to hit the ball harder and further.

-Why do I play better when my arm or back are sore?  I must be slowing down my transition at the top.

-Ernie Els seems to swing so effortlessly because he doesn’t rush the transition.

-Pro golfers are all so balanced when they finish their swing.

-Balance & cadence are so important to a great golf swing.  Brain Training is the key starting point.

-To control my cadence (tempo) I know that I have to think the following words during each swing:    STRAIGHT ARM . . . Sweep-in aaand Finish

I put this into practice on my final 2 rounds in Florida.  I played 9 holes wearing GOLFSTR  and 9 holes without GOLFSTR  during each round.  The results were amazing.  Keeping a straight leading arm in the back swing and starting the down swing by keeping my wrist hinged and arm straight are so critical for success.  [When I rush the transition I bend my leading elbow and cast my wrist.]

SOLUTION: Slow down the transition and accelerate through the ball. 

I can hardly wait to get back on the course this Spring.   GOLFSTR is so important as a brain trainer to change my swing.

Controlled Transition is my new Aha! Moment.

NOTE: GOLFSTR  gives you an unfair advantage (so you can’t wear it in a competition).  Just think how it will lower your score.

Please share these blogs with your friends.     [But not your golfing buddies, ha ha ha!]



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