Welcome to YOUR Swing Support Center, a blog with tips to help you transition to your new straight leading arm back-swing. This blog allows us to share information which we find in articles by golf professionals or success stories submitted by GOLFSTR users. These tips have helped me and I hope they help you too.

Bill Curry, inventor of GOLFSTR

Archives for the ‘Swing Solutions’ Category

Save 1 Stroke Per Hole !

I am currently receiving the “Save 1 Stroke Per Hole” series of Golf Tips from Todd Kolb. He also created my US GOLF TV video which was shot at a past PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando, FL.  He is a PGA Professional Trainer who really understands the game. I just wanted to share his key tips which are really helping my game to “eliminate those nasty blow-up holes”.

We all know these tips. Pros have caddies to remind them to keep their game in check. Somehow our subconscious egos make us ignore the obvious. Snap out of your crazy rut and follow these rules to break 100, 90 or 80. You can do this by saving a stroke on all of your problem holes.

Keep your Ball in Play: Sort out your big miss and adjust your swing with a lesson or at the driving range before you play a round of golf. You may have to adjust your distance to the ball to avoid hitting off the toe or swing with less speed to avoid slicing the ball but do whatever is needed to keep your shots in the fairway.  First learn to swing like a professional golfer and then adjust for your body’s strengths and weaknesses (because you may not have the perfect timing for every swing).

Get your Ball back in Play: If you end up in the rough, behind a tree or in a sand trap, make the shot that will get your ball in play. Yes you will waste 1 shot but you are avoiding a blow-up hole. [NOTE: mark your score code to identify what caused each blowup hole (T-tree, W-water, S-sand etc) and then plan to eliminate fix the shots that put you in those spots.]

Grab more Club: Don’t expect to hit every shot like the pros. Choose an extra club so that you can swing in control with an 80% swing. Focus on the perfect swing with less power to hit in the right direction.  Swinging at 100% will kill your game as you lose control of many shots.

Know Your Shot Tendencies: If your driver always fades to the right, adjust your aim to the left and let it fad into the center of the fairway.

Know Your Club Yardages: At sea level in humid climates your ball will not travel as far as it does in dry warm air in higher altitudes. Knowing the distance to the hole is a good starting point but distance to clear a trap or a water hazard are even more important. Adjust your selection of clubs according to your situation and know the flight distance and roll distance of each club.

Chip with the Same Club: You should become an expert using 1 club for chipping (to lift over the approach obstacles and roll out on the green). The green elevation changes on every hole but if you use the same club for most chips then you will learn to trust your skill with that club. [A 6 iron to 60 degree wedge will do but I prefer my #4 hybrid as it will clear most obstacles and I eliminate fat chips too.] Your confidence using your favorite chipping club will improve your chances for a 1 putt green.

Walk off Putting Distances: For longer putts, don’t trust your feel for the distance. Walk it off and know what you have to do for a 30 or 40 yard putt over different elevations. Take practice swings with the tempo and backswing that will get your ball to the hole.

Use these TIPS or you can always hire a caddy for $100. Practice for every swing in your game and buy a GOLFSTR+ to swing like a pro. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com

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More Accurate Putting in 2 Seconds?

I laughed when I saw this title in an article by a PGA Professional Mike Dero, Director of Golf at Quail Creek Country Club in Naples, FL. DON’T LAUGH, a Quiet Eye and a Quiet Mind add up to confident putts. Research by Professor Joan Vickers in 1996 found that a “Quiet” or focused eye can improve the putting performance of highly skilled tour putters and weekend warriors too. It only takes a 2 second look at the target and 2 seconds of focus on your ball.

The longer your eyes can focus on a spot the better your aim and depth perception. There seems to be 2 reasons:
1/ When your eyes move, you head, shoulders and torso can move with them, causing a change in your putting direction.
2/ The Quiet Eye is the prime indicator of a quiet mind. “A quiet mind is not stressed, anxious or jumpy. It is calm and confident and has clarity of purpose – as in your focus to just roll the ball in the hole.”

Focus 2 seconds at the end of your target line to feel the distance and then 2 seconds on a dimple on your ball to calm your mind.

Research has found that we look at up to seven different targets before putting. This active eye confuses and muddles your mind.

To apply this in golf you actually need to focus for 2 seconds on your target point and then back to your ball to focus for 2 seconds on a dimple on the center line near the back of your ball (your point of impact). The more definite and engaged you are on these points, the better the results.

By gazing for 2 seconds on both the target and then your ball, this allows the body enough time to organize the unconscious process to perform a stroke to the target.

You should practice your putting stroke with a flat leading wrist using your GOLFSTR+ as you rock your shoulders (and putter) up the target line. Ideally you should keep your Quiet Eye focused, on the spot where your ball sat, up to a second after impact. Your input for the putt is complete at the instant of impact so there is no need to move your head or your eyes until your ball is well on its way to the hole. Practice with GOLFSTR+ for every swing in your game. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com

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HOT Trainer Tips at the PGA Merchandise Show

At the PGA Merchandise Show at the end of January 2017, I watched a PGA Forum with the top trainers in USA. Hank Haney, Jim McLean, David Leadbetter, Michael Breed and Larry Rinker were all on the panel.

I picked up 3 important tips that may help you too.

1/ Stop Fairway Mishits: On important shots, does your fairway club (hybrid, iron or wedge) dig into the ground before the ball or are you topping the ball? Your practice swing may be perfect. Unfortunately that little white ball changes everything. As you tighten up for a more powerful swing at the ball, your mind and body rhythm change. Your hips are locking up and preventing the lateral movement of your body. Your weight is staying over your trailing foot, as you rush your arms through the swing.

Tips from the most influential golf instructors in North America.  These guys know and love this game.  Attention to detail will lower your score.

Pros have a fluid motion where they rotate around the axis of their body and swing through to finish with all of their weight on their leading foot in perfect balance. They also skim the grass (or take a divot) after their club impacts with the ball. [In other words (as Hank Haney describes it) the bottom of their swing arc is after the impact with the ball.]

Jim McLean said that you need to bow your wrist at impact like all of the great pros. If you can’t lead with your body and leading arm to create a bowed leading wrist at impact then you need to set up with a bowed wrist and more weight on your leading foot.

SOLUTION To Create Sold Ball Contact Before You Skim the Grass: Start with 75% of your weight on your leading foot. This also forces you to setup with a bowed wrist and a forward slanted shaft. This will stop you from swaying back in your backswing and will allow you to connect with the ball before you bottom-out the arc of your swing in the grass.

I notice that 2 of my friends who regularly break 80 are consciously doing this to improve their impact with the ball. This has also been a breakthrough for my fairway game.

2/ Swing all of your clubs at the same speed but choke down on your grip to hit a shorter distance with the same club. Don’t swing at half speed or you may create a lazy swing and leave your club face open. When you chock down on your grip you also need to take a practice swing to make sure that you are bending down a little more to reach the ball. Chocking down will reduce your distance by up to 15 yards but if you don’t adjust the bend at your waist to get closer to your ball, you will blade the ball and lose control of your shot.

3/ Michael Breed suggested that you finish every hole as if it is a par 3. Your drive or your fairway shot on a par 5 should put you in position to close the hole as if you are playing a par 3. Choose the right side of the fairway to place your ball in order to simplify your approach shot. Hit the green for a 2 putt par or hit the front of the green for an ease chip and putt.

I hope these tips help with your game as they are helping with mine. Don’t forget to keep practicing with your GOLFSTR+ to help you train with these tips. Some tips will really help your game but you need to try them.  Buy your GOLFSTR+  today at www.golfstr.com





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Solution for Nervous Chipper vs Confident Chipper

I was going to call this golf tip, Novice Chipper vs Pro Chipper, but your level of success depends on your state of mind. There really are 2 ways to approach a chip shot and both will get the job done.

First you need to understand that a Chip Shot is completed with any club except a Sand Wedge. Your goal is to lift the ball over the fringe or short rough to let the ball run up to the hole. In general your ball is rolling on the ground over 75% of the distance. [A pitch shot is a totally different shot. It is completed with your Sand Wedge or 60 degree wedge to fly over a bunker or deep rough. A pitch shot needs a full swing and release through the ball to create a reverse spin to stop the ball when it lands.]


Nervous Chip Shot:
If you hit fat chip shots (digging your club into the ground before the ball) or thin chip shots (blading the ball across the green), you are a nervous chipper. If the fairway leading to the green is short cut, you should consider chipping, even when the green is up to 30 yards away.

Great image of a nervous chipper.  Anger does not help the situation.   Thanks for the contribution: www.golfacademy.org

To avoid the yips in chipping, take any wrist action out of your swing. Choose the loft of your club depending on the distance that you want your ball to stay in the air (to avoid a bad bounce on the fairway leading to the green).  Setup as if you are putting. Center the ball between your feet, grip down on your club (to the bottom of the grip) and swing by rocking your shoulders. Take a practice swing to get a feel for the distance you want to hit your ball.


You will be a lot more successful with this technique IF you practice with as selection of clubs to understand the distance that each club will give you in the air and roll on the ground. Test your swing with the same backswing as your follow through for different distances. Practice with GOLFSTR+ to keep your leading wrist flat throughout the swing. I’m suggesting that you work on your proficiency with at least 4 clubs: a 5 iron (or low hybrid), 7 iron, 9 iron and pitching wedge.

Confident Chip Shot
If you are not hitting fat of thin chip shots, then you most likely have a relaxed swing where your body rotates through the shot as your hands swing through the impact with the ball.

Hank Haney recommends the following for the confident golfer: set the ball back in your stance; setup with your hands and shaft leaning forward of the ball; limit your wrist lag in the backswing and limit your follow through with the back of your leading hand still pointing at your target and holding the limited lag of your trailing wrists. Use any club up to a Pitching Wedge depending on the distance that you want to fly and roll your ball.

First determine if you are a Nervous or Confident Chipper. Then practice with GOLFSTR+. Nervous Chippers should practice with a flat leading wrist when you chip. Confident Chippers should train with limited lag on your trailing wrist using your GOLFSTR+. 15 minutes of practice with your new chipping method will make a world of difference. Buy your GOLFSTR+ today: www.golfstr.com







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Accept the FACT: YOUR Mind and Body are Unique !

What others do to create consistent golf swings may be helpful but you need to sort out what works for YOU. Your mind and body are not in the same condition as the pros [or any of your playing partners for that matter] so don’t expect that their technique is going to work for you. If you watch enough golf on TV you can recognize each of the better players by their unique swing. THEY ARE ALL DIFFERENT and yours can be different too but you need the same basics.

If you can make a practice swing and end up in a balanced, finish position then you are in a calm frame of mind and a good starting position for each shot. Just focus on taking the same backswing and follow-through for every shot in your round. It will only happen if you focus on calm consistent transition at the top to start your acceleration.  The RUSH AT THE TOP will kill your consistency.

Consider these facts:

  1. Hideki Matsuyama had a recent amazing stretch of 10 tournaments where he either finished in first or second place. His average driving distance is shorter than most of the pros but his delay at the top of his swing allows him to create consistently straight shots at his target. You just may want to try this.
  2. Every pro has a unique swing but they all end up with a posed finish in perfect balance. If you do anything, finish your swing in balance.
  3. Justin Thomas won the last 2 tournaments in Hawaii to start 2017. His success is based on his commitment to the shot. He decides on his shot. Takes a practice swing and pulls the trigger. He does not rush his process but there is no delay during his preparation and completion of his swing. [In this video of his swing you can see that he actually triggers his back swing by rotating his head slightly back before he starts the rotation of his shoulder.  This is a similar move to Jack Nicklaus.
  4. I often ask others about their break through thoughts. One uses a warmup split grip and rotation to force his arms and body through the shot. Others start with pressure on their leading foot to make sure that their body can keep up with their arms as they swing through the ball.
  5. I use words which have meaning to me in order to block out all other thoughts: “Sweep in and through” to slow down my backswing and to end with a balanced pose. [You can’t say or think 2 words or thoughts at the same time – trying it! You will be amazed at how it improves your swing focus.]


We all know that consistent hits in golf will allow you to par every hole. A consistent swing for consistent hits with each club in your bag should be your primary focus. Your mind has to be calm and relaxed to allow a smooth and consistent tempo for your body. If you are not in balance at the start, at the top and at the finish then you better take some lessons to get back in sync.

Practice for relaxed consistency and a balanced finish. Learn the basics of the golf swing and then hone in your skills by practicing with GOLFSTR+ for every swing in your game. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com

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Wonder Who’s Showing Up Today?

If you don’t start each round with a relaxed body and confident mind, the wrong guy is showing up. What we all need is a method to create this state of mind every time we swing a club. Last week I promised to share my findings to create your future success in golf. The payoff is that it will make you a renewed person in mind and spirit. It’s happening to me and it will happen to you too.

We have all hit perfect straight shots with impact on the center of the face of every club in our bag. Our goal is to repeat this with every swing. It only happens when you don’t rush the transition and you allow your club to accelerate from the top. Make it your goal to finish every swing in a balanced pose as you watch your perfect shot.

For success in golf you only need to be Relaxed and Confident. That will set you up for success with every swing of any club.

1/ RELAX YOUR BODY AND MIND: I discovered the solution by watching and hearing the success stories from Jason Day, Tiger and every friend who has a breakthrough in their game. You may have seen Jason Day take his time to sort out his shot and visualize his shots as he squints and flutters his eyelids. Tiger clicks into his focused trance by shifting into his mental zone. Many pros work with mental trainers to reach this state of mind (in the zone) but there must be a better way for the weekend warriors.

Jason Day talked about a new way to train your brain for better golf in Golf Digest, Nov 2016.  Clear your mind for one thought when you swing. Take your time to sort out your setup. Pick your target, select the right club and adjust your stance for the right lineup. Check that your grip is loose and your shoulders are relaxed and dropped (not tight at you neck). Doing these steps will actually clear your mind.

2/ CONSISTENT [CONFIDENT] HITS: Your goal is to create a consistent swing (for your drives, fairway shots, chips and putts – each club needs your unique swing thought). Justin Thomas takes very little time to prepare for each swing and then execute. [After Alabama lost in the college football championship, Justin had a lot of disappointment on him mind. He sure figured out how to focus. At the age of 23 he is the youngest play to set the lowest PGA tournament score at -27.] Justin has one swing thought for the club and shot that he is making. He steps up to the ball and executes that swing though and you should do the same thing.

Your body is in a different physical condition every day that you start a round of golf. So you need to prepare for each round at the range to determine the setup and tempo for each club. Sort out what is working for you. DETERMINE A SINGLE SWING THOUGHT THAT YOU NEED WITH EACH CLUB and use those thoughts during your round TO KEEP YOUR MIND FOCUSED. Those swing thoughts may change slightly before each round but you need to use the single swing thought that works for you.

Practice with your GOLFSTR+ to develop your swing thought that allows you to execute the perfect shot with every club. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com


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WANT 15 More Yards or More Consistency?

Have you ever noticed that every golf training aid, swing tip or golf exercise promises 10 to 15 more yards? What’s the use of hitting 10 to 15 more yards further into the rough, pond or bush? These ads are appealing to your macho instinct. Every golfer wants to swing faster and hit longer drives but it is not that easy. My point is that consistent hits and landing in the fairway ARE FAR MORE IMPORTANT TO YOUR GAME than extra distance. I finally sorted this out and want to share my findings.

I recently watched Henrick Stenson and 2 playing partners on a long par 5. All 3 pros hit drives in the fairway. All 3 chose to hit the perfect layup in the fairway to avoid the deep rough and deep sand traps guarding the green. All 3 chipped to within 10 feet and all 3 birdied the hole. I know that these professional golfers are consistent hitters but they are also realistic golfers. Get out of your macho mindset. You should focus on reaching the perfect position in the fairway to landing on the green in regulation near the hole.

  1. Accept your Driver Limitation: Determine the distance that you can consistently hit your drive in the fairway. If you can’t hit 5 straight shots in a row with the same club then you may be swinging to fast. Your body is out of sync with your swing.
  2. Swinging harder and faster will give you worse results.
  3. Fix your swing with lessens and then use a GOLFSTR+ to hone in your muscle memory for every swing in your game.


Consistency should be your priority. You are NOT destined to be a pro golfer so get realistic. With consistent hits, you CAN par every hole! If you play a golf course often enough, eventually you WILL par every hole. So why not calm down, tee forward if you have too, keep every drive in the fairway and get it close to hole out in 1 or 2 putts on every hole.  Bingo, you just broke 80.

Imagine being a confident Adam Scott as he finishes his swing in balance and admires his shot.

All you have to do is relax your mind and body, don’t rush your swing, accelerate through the ball and finish in balance as you admire your shots.



Stay tune for next week’s solutions to calm down, tune-out the crap and play the way you golf in your dreams.


When you learn to control your mind for golf it will affect the way you live your life. You will become the caring and understanding person you have always wanted to be. Success in your game will create more success in your life. Start by honing your skills with GOLFSTR+ for every swing in your game. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com






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Your #1 Enemy in Golf is Your Mind

Your mind and your resulting ANGER are your primary enemies in golf. Your game is most affected by your reaction to every poor shot. Whether you bottle it up or throw clubs, it will affect your next shot. We all get caught up in our last bad shot. Even our good shots can inspire us to swing harder and faster to create the next bad shot. Fortunately I saw a great solution from Golf Rx to shift your mind back to normal. This is a great solution to overcome your inner demons.

Have you ever heard that “bad golf shots come in 3’s” and a 4th bad shot is just the start of your next 3. We need to break up these crazy thoughts. After each bad shot we need a way to bring ourselves back to the present.

You can’t improve your game with those crazy demons in your head. [Caddyshack]












                    HERE ARE THE 3 STEPS presented by Golf RX:

#1 Observe 5 Things in your immediate vicinity: a golf ball, grass on your golf club, bird in the tree, golfer smoking and the pin flag is red. It will instantly bring you back to reality.

#2 Forgive yourself. We are not perfect. Even the pros don’t make perfect shots all the time. It’s OK to make mistakes so forgive yourself and get on with your game.

#3 Be Positive: Studies have shown that if you fake being positive it will actually change those bad feelings. Fake it. Change your physicality. Stand tall, shoulders back, pump your chest out and smile.

A friend recently pointed out that in every PGA tournament there are golfers shooting in the 80’s. Wouldn’t it be great if the cameras spent some time showing us their mishits. How about those shots that ricochet deeper into the trees; 3 attempts to get out of a bunker or those missed chip shots. Come on GOLF CHANNEL and NBC, show us how the pros really play this game.  Give us some reality so show us that the pros really are human.

Slow down and approach your next shot with a fresh state of mind. Your next shot will definitely be better than your last shot. Remember those wonderful shots when you practice with your GOLFSTR+ : keep your leading elbow straight, hold your flat wrist in your back swing and master your lag. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com








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Let your Eyes Control Your Game: Part 2: PUTTING

This is Part 2 of the Swing Tips to let your eyes control your game. Your eyes help your feel the distance and direction of every hit. In putting, when your eyes focus on the ball during your swing, they force your head and shoulders to hit through the ball and to avoid lifting up during your putt.

Putting is a head game. If you don’t think you can sink a putt then you are destined to miss it – – – even the short ones. Confidence is a critical factor in making putts. No guts, no glory. So you better start by committing to sinking every putt. Decide that you are going to accelerate your putter through the ball and up the target line that you choose. Now you are ready to let your eyes FEEL the distance and your shoulders swing like a pendulum as your putter hits dead center on the face.

Have I got your attention? All of the following points about using your EYES to sink putts are wasted if you don’t start with a Positive Mental Attitude and the right mechanics. Your shoulders do all the work.  Your elbows, wrists and fingers are locked on your putter. If you can’t lock them, practice with your GOLFSTR+ to make sure that your leading wrist is locked. Now use your eyes to make your putt on autopilot.

  1. On your approach shot to the green look for 2 levels on the green. You want to reach the perfect level with a high shot (and very little roll on the green) or a chip shot to roll your shot up to the hole.
  2. When your ball lands on the green watch the direction of the roll but be careful to discount any slice or hook caused by a poor swing of your club.
  3. See the breaks and determine a target where you need to aim to handle the break.

    During every putt, watch the break as your ball slows down to use this knowledge for your next putt.

  4. When putting, your last visual check should be up your target line for distance and direction. As your eye traces back to your ball, stop moving your head and keep your eyes focused on the back of your ball. Let you putter continue to trace back on the same line and then through the center of your ball as you swing up your target line.
  5. Putting is only successful if you can read the green. You can only choose your line and your speed. After that you only have 1 task. Impact on the center of your putter and hit the STRAIGHT LINE that you chose in your setup.
  6. Dave Stockton’s putting tip is to putt with your leading hand. The back of that hand has to continue to point at the target line even after impact as you are putting with a locked flat wrist.
  7. Use your eyes to see the distance you want to putt. Take a practice swing to FEEL the amount of swing you need to hit your ball that distance. Look at your target distance again and run your eyes back along the target line to STOP at your ball as your putter swings back on the same line and then through the ball on the same line as you change your focus from distance to point of impact which is dead center on your putter face.

GOLFSTR+ is a great training aid to help you learn to putt with a locked wrist. When you practice with GOLFSTR + it give you the confidence that you need to take with you during your round of golf. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com


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Let Your Eyes Control Your Game: Part 1

We all know that focus is critical for consistent golf but there are DO’s and DON’Ts in golf to help you win at this game. Of course you need to keep your focus on your swing and your target but your eyes can destroy the outcome if you don’t use them properly. This is a collection of the important areas where your eyes must be used to calibrate your brain for distance and direction. Once you take the wind, humidity, temperature into consideration your eyes need to take over.

This is a game of feel and mental control but let your eyes put your body on autopilot.

Part 1: Drive, Fairway and Approach Shots

  1. Jack Nicklaus always said that you need to line up all shots by choosing a specific spot where you want to land your ball.
  2. See the distance to a bunker or obstacles and choose your club and direction to make sure that your next shot is an easy shot.
  3. Use your practice swing to determine if you will see your shadow or tree shadows move during your swing. Understand it, accept it and forget it. Use your focus on your ball to ignore moving shadows.
  4. See the lie of your ball. Is there a clean approach to the ball or will you be hitting heavy grass before the ball? Get your ball out of the deep rough with a shorter club and a steeper swing down and through the ball. Hitting to safety is your only objective.
  5. Watch for changing wind directions before every shot and compensate for it before your swing.
  6. You may want to line up your tee shot with a line or the logo on your ball running diagonally from the inside of your swing path to out (creating a draw swing). Your mind will see that line and can use it to avoid a slice swing
  7. Focus your eyes on the back of your golf ball. (Don’t watch your club

    Keep your eyes on your ball until impact before you complete your rotation to a balanced finish.

    head in your backswing.) For all of your shots, focus on the impact at the center of your club face to control the direction of you shot. [Hint: You can’t see the instant of impact but you better test it out with a marker or powder to figure out the right stance because that’s why your shots are going all over the course.].

  8. Sean Foley said that club face direction is responsible for 75% of the initial direction of the ball. Grip your club lightly during your setup and focus on the square face of you club to your target line.
  9. Don’t rush to look up as you swing. Your focus is on your ball. Looking up early will cause you to top the ball and hit a grounder into a pond or bunker. Stay down and get your body through the shot as you rotate and lift your head and body to a balanced finish.


Let your eyes control your game.  See your ball during your swing. Practice with your GOLFSTR+ to learn to keep your leading arm straight or your leading wrist flat in your backswing and to create lag in your trailing arm. Your body should to be on AUTOPILOT so buy one today at www.golfstr.com


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