Welcome to YOUR Swing Support Center, a blog with tips to help you transition to your new straight leading arm back-swing. This blog allows us to share information which we find in articles by golf professionals or success stories submitted by GOLFSTR users. These tips have helped me and I hope they help you too.

Bill Curry, inventor of GOLFSTR

Archives for the ‘Swing Solutions’ Category

Who’s Showing Up to Play TODAY ?

Have you ever played a round of golf where every hit is so clean and easy. Sure you may hit them long over the green but who cares. You don’t expect perfection in every swing but it just happens. Then your next round is a disaster. Your drives, your approach shots, your chipping and your putts are just not happening. Do you ask yourself, “Who was that person playing yesterday?  How do I get him back? ”

I am like every recreational golfer who loves this game but I publish these weekly swing tips so I tend to focus on what make golfers tick. I know that I have my good and bad days – and I often wonder WHY?

For the past 3 months I have been observing golfers as they play past our lani (screened porch for Northerners). It’s painfully obvious that at least 75% of the golfers may have taken lessons but they need to practice what they have learned. There are so many ways to watch the correct swing:  on YouTube; on the Golf Channel and by watching tournament golf on TV.   GOLFSTR+ is a great practice aid to help you correct 6 swing faults but it won’t help you just sitting in your golf bag.

The next time you play a round of golf, don't you wonder which version of YOU will show up?

The next time you play a round of golf, don’t you wonder which version of YOU will show up?

With all of this support you would think that everyone should be able to play a reasonable game of golf. So why is it that you occasionally experience an “out of body experience” where your game is shockingly great.

What causes a great round of golf for anyone, whether you are a pro or an amateur? If you have learned the skill to swing a club correctly there are only 3 other issues that you face on the golf course. You and every professional golfer need to overcome these GAME BREAKERS before you will have a good round of golf:

Flexibility: If you want to hit longer shots, your body needs to be flexible. You can’t expect to be successful in golf with brute force. An aching back is even a worse problem. Your neck, spine and hips need to be flexible. You need to work on this with proper exercise or just accept your limitations and limit your rotation to achieve an acceptable result. Bending your leading elbow might work for you but if you want consistent results, work on a straight arm swing, wrist lag and a powerful release at the point of impact.

Mental Outlook: If you are frustrated over your last shot and you try to compensate for a poor shot by swinging harder, you will not like the result. This game tends to compound anger so you need to understand that problem. Get over your last shot. Realize that you need to relax your grip and swing without trying to kill the ball. It’s that easy.

Focus: When your mind is at ease and your muscles are relaxed you can now focus on the right swing to get the result that you want. Focus only on the draw or fade or height of the shot based on your stance and the wind condition. Great pro golfers take their minds into the moment of each swing. There is nothing else on their mind. Your lessons and practice can all result in perfect shots every time you swing a club.

Next Week’s Swing Tip is about Understanding the point of Impact to Control Every Shot.

Buy your GOLFSTR+ today on our website:  www.golfstr.com

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Pros do it! You should too!

Should your head be moving during your swing? Mark Richmond who writes the Consistent Golf blog studied 23 of the most recognized golfers. He found exactly the same tip that we published by one of our GOLFSTR+ users. Terry Scanlon (St Andrews, Scotland) said: “keep you left ear (leading ear) behind the ball until impact when driving the ball“.


Mark Richmond wanted to verify the statement: “the average PGA Tour player moves his head only one inch during the swing”.


Adam Scott is shown here keeping his head in the same line-up with the ball during the backswing until impact.  This seems to be the ideal swing thought.

Adam Scott is shown here keeping his head in the same line-up with the ball during the backswing until impact. This seems to be the ideal swing thought.

Of the 23 golfers that he studied, when swinging the driver, all of them drop their head lower at impact but only 3 barely moved their head out of the original alignment during the swing:
• Adam Scott
• Phil Mickelson
• Jack Nicklaus

Most of the golfers shifted their heads 1 to 4 inches back during their backswing.


Only 3 of the 23 golfers in the study had their head forward before impact:
• Moe Norman
• Gary Player
• Arnold Palmer

Your forward hip press should start the transition of your club at the top of your swing but your head should remain relatively still until impact. Test your swing by standing with the sun behind you and watching your shadow.

Don’t get the wrong idea! Your whole body is in motion during your golf swing. Freezing your body and swinging with your arms will guarantee that you will dig your club into the ground well before the ball. Making the perfect practice swing and then duplicating that swing is the key for success in this sport. I’m not sure why a little white ball causes the mind to freeze-up but when you solve that problem, I guarantee success.

Relax your mind & body, focus on duplicating your practice swing, start you downswing motion with your hip and keep your head behind the ball. Of course you should practice with GOLFSTR+ FOR EVERY SWING IN YOUR GAME.


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Make the Perfect Shot Every Time

Recreational golfers who purchase GOLFSTR+ Training Aids are committed to improving their golf game. They are on the right track. Golf is a game of skill and mind control. If you put your effort into the right swing, the right practice and the right state of mind: you WILL improve your game. This week’s Swing Tip is intended to help you understand that YOUR MENTAL FOCUS can improve your game every time you play.

Most golfers start playing this game well after they learn to swing a baseball bat, cricket bat or hockey stick. You need new skills. The golf swing for each club must be changed to account for the angle of the lie, the target landing surface and wind conditions. You need a constant mental focus to compensate for each of these conditions and to improve your game.

Golf appears to be an easy game if you live, eat and breathe it every day. This is not possible for the recreational golfer so where should you focus your effort?

1/ Starting at a young age is ideal. Learning the right golf swing at an early age and as your primary sport can be a real asset. Lydia Ko, now 17, has won 10 worldwide professional victories. At 6, her family moved across the street from Pupuke Golf Club in Auckland. Her mother wanted her youngest daughter to have four one-hour lessons per week. Practices often involved three locations over an 11-hour span. Her first coach, Guy Wilson, said she took off Christmas and New Year’s Day two years ago only because courses were closed. Her family obviously invested a lot of time and money to develop Lydia.

Tiger started swinging clubs when he was 2 and his father was also his early mentor and motivator.  It paid off!

Don’t expect to achieve their success. Work on anything that will improve your flexibility. Learn the right swing for each club and practice to BUILD MUSCLE MEMORY in your swing. GOLFSTR+ gives you 6 swing solutions to break down your old habits and learn the correct motion for every swing.

2/ Size and strength help (as illustrated by JB Holmes’ 10 under par opening round at Trump Doral, March 5, 2015) but they will not guarantee low scores in your game of golf. Lydia Ko is only 5 foot 5 inches tall. Her size is certainly not giving her any advantage but she sure does outscore her competition.

Luke Donald is 5 foot 9 and 160 pounds. He had an outstanding year in 2011. He became the first player to win both money lists on the PGA and European Tours in the same year. So why is he not repeating his past success?

Focus on the perfect swing to make the perfect shot every time.

Focus on the perfect swing to make the perfect shot every time.

3/ Without the right MENTAL FOCUS and skill you can’t succeed in golf. The world record long ball hitters rarely play in pro golf tournaments. There are a lot of pro golfers who drive over 300 yards but they still need that magic touch around the green.

Every golfer has experienced that shot where the ball springs off your club like a rocket, lands where you planned to land it and then rolls to the perfect spot.  Your mind was totally focused so that the shot was executed perfectly. It was your focused mind that made that perfect shot. If you can par 1 hole, you can par 18 with the right focus.

Learn the right swing, practice with GOLFSTR+ and commit to a 100% MENTAL FOCUS on every shot. Think your shot through and make the perfect shot every time.


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Stretch Exercises for Swing Flexibility

GOLFSTR+ was developed to help me train for more consistent hits and longer drives. I soon learned that I needed to do more than swing with a straight leading arm. 5 additional uses of GOLFSTR+ helped me correct my swing but I was missing one important component: FLEXIBILITY. Strength is important but you need flexibility to Swing Like a Pro.

I found 4 simple exercises that will loosen your spine and shoulders. I’m over 65 and I want to hit drives consistently over 240 yards. I have seen skinny youths and females with minimal muscle-mass hit 280+ yards so I know that it can be done without brute strength. Torque and wrist lag release are so critical to hit’em long and straight. Yoga is a wonderful activity to improve flexibility over your whole body but if you don’t have the time, try these 4 exercises:

1/ Chest Stretch: Lay on your back with arms stretched straight out and the back of your hands resting on the floor. Without lifting the back of your hands and arms off the floor bend your elbows to form a U shape with your arms. Then form a V shape and finally point your arms straight over your head. At any point if your arms or hands start to lift off the floor, just stop and let your muscles relax and stretch for 10 or 15 seconds. Return your arms to your sides and start over again. The goal is to eventually stretch out to reach directly over your head without lifting them off the ground. Kids have no problem doing this. It took you a long time to lose your flexibility so don’t expect miracles to happen overnight.

Knee Roll Spine Stretch2/ Knee Roll: Remain on your back with your knees bent and your arms pointing out from your sides. Now roll your knees to one side while keeping your arms outstretched and both shoulders on the ground. Then slowly roll your knees across and to the floor on the other side. Eventually you will get your knees closer to the floor and keep your opposite shoulder on the ground. Over time you will get closer to this goal. Do not push to the point of hurting your back. This is a gradual stretching exercise which will improve your flexibility and release your spine over time.

3/ Pizza Lifts: Kneeling and resting your butt on your heels, bend forward and rest on your elbows on the floor. Now slide one arm forward along the floor, turn your palm to the ceiling and raise it slightly like you are holding a pizza pan. Hold for 5 seconds. Now repeat on the other side. You should feel the stretch of your LATS (Latissimus Dorsi muscles which rap from the base your arm around your back). I found this one on Revolution Golf.

4/ Shoulder Release: Either laying on your back or sitting or standing: fold your left arm across your chest. With your right wrist wrapped around your elbow, pull your straight arm across your shoulder line and hold the stretch for 5 seconds. Rest and repeat about 4 more times. Do the same stretch a few times with your right arm to give your body balance and to help it recover. I found this one on Golf-Info-Guide by Thomas Golf.

You need to build up your flexibility gradually. Do these exercises in the evening when you are watching TV. Children can be encouraged to do exercises that are more like games with the help of best mini trampolines for children. If your back starts to ache, lay off the exercises until you recover. You should not be in pain when you do these exercises as you need to limit the strain on any muscle groups and your spine. It may take a month but your swing will really benefit from your new flexibility.

Use your GOLFSTR+ to make sure that you are getting the full benefit with flexibility and the proper swing (Straight Leading Arm, Flat Wrist and Full Wrist Lag). To review last week’s Swing Tip about testing your Flexibility Limitations CLICK HERE

You can’t create an effective straight leading arm swing without flexibility. Frankly, I struggled with my straight leading arm until I improved my flexibility. Now I have to use GOLFSTR+ to remind myself to limit my backswing as I lose control when I over rotate. When I get it right, my swing feels smooth as butter and the ball flies out of sight. Friends are asking me if I am on an exercise program but my new flexibility and the whipping action of the club head make all the difference.

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Learn Your Limitation and Accept IT!

As we age we lose our flexibility from lack of stretch exercises.  This week, you are going to determine your current limitation in your straight arm backswing. You need to limit your backswing to that point and enjoy what is natural for your golf swing. Next week we will give you the simple exercises to increase your body rotation and a straight arm stretch to get more length out of every hit.

Golf is a game of patience and practice. If you don’t play that often or you took this game up at a later age, you need to condition your body to change from a baseball swing to a golf swing.  I hear from GOLFSTR+ customers who expect that they will instantly swing like Ernie Els or Rory McIlroy. What were they thinking?  GOLFSTR+ IS an instant fix to remind you where your limitation is in your straight arm backswing. It’s up to YOU to understand your limitation and use it to correct your swing for more consistent and longer hits.

Your backswing has 3 basic components. Any sway of your body as your arms load up should be minimized. The 3 components are: spine rotation, straight arm rotation and wrist hinge. Before you test out the limitation in the back swing, you need to understand your limitation in each of these 3 movements. [These descriptions are for right handed golfers.]

Create your shoulder and hip rotation by keeping both arms straight in the takeaway.  Michael Breed (Golf Channel) uses this training method.

Create your shoulder and hip rotation by keeping both arms straight in the takeaway. Michael Breed (Golf Channel) uses this training method.

1/ SPINE ROTATION (SHOULDER AND HIP ROTATION): Holding a club properly as you address the ball with your spine tilted forward from your waist. Take you club back to horizontal with the ground while keeping both arms straight. This rotation will force your hips to rotate about 30 degrees from the line across your toes and your shoulders to rotate about 90 degrees. Your head must remain facing the ball. If your leading heel is coming off the ground to make the full 90 degree shoulder rotation then you have a flexibility limitation. You may be losing consistency in your hits.

Arnold Palmer is one of the all-time great golfers. He lifted his leading heel on every swing to assist with his 90 degree shoulder rotation. Hank Haney also endorses the use of the heel lift to assist with rotation (only if you need it). If you are lifting your heel to create some extra shoulder rotation you are adding another dimension in your swing and possibly losing consistency in your hits. [See the Rory McIlroy swing video in last week’s Swing Tip for the ideal foot plant. His leading heel is NOT moving as he builds torque in his body.]

You DON’T NEED A 90 DEGREE SHOULDER ROTATION.  If your hips and spine are tight and your shoulder rotation is only 60 degrees then just accept this. No matter what you do, be happy with your limited rotation BUT LEARN TO KEEP YOUR LEADING ARM STRAIGHT for consistent connection with the ball and longer hits.

2/ STRAIGHT ARM ROTATION: Test your leading arm rotation by stretching your straight leading arm across your chest at your shoulder line. Now use your free right wrist to wrap over your elbow to pull it close to your shoulder line. That angle between your arm and your chest is a limitation. Don’t try to force a greater rotation as it takes time to stretch these unused muscles.

3/ Wrist Hinge: Hold a club properly in your fingers and the base of the fleshy part of your left palm. Use your right hand to pull the grip up to force your wrist to cock toward the side of your arm about 30 degrees while keeping your left wrist flat with your arm. Again, do not over stretch as we are only trying to understand your limitation.

All 3 of these rotations will give you the limitation of your backswing rotation. DON’T start bending your leading elbow to compensate for your limitation in rotation. Use your GOLFSTR+ to learn your limitations for straight arm, flat wrist and lag in our backswing. Do this and we guaranty that your game will improve. CHECK OUT the demonstration video on www.golfstr.com

NEXT WEEK’S Swing Tip: Exercises to increase your rotation without pain or injury.

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Fate Breeds Success

The more effort that I put into my love of Golf the more success I find. Last night I ran into a new friend who happened to have been the inspiration for a major improvement in the evolution of GOLFSTR+. He also gave me his CHEEK TO CHEEK golf tip that he learned by watching Rory McIlroy.

It happened in the Blue Martini Night Club, Naples, Florida when I learned that Andy Schwabe, a retired Nuclear Engineer with a 9 handicap, knew all about GOLFSTR+. As it turn out he had purchased one on our website April 18 2012, 2 months after our first sale.  He was the first person to comment that the pressure on the back of his arm was not intense enough when he trained to keep his leading arm straight in the backswing. He told me that he had heated up the plastic plate and bent the end an additional half inch. (Our initial 800 Acrylic plates were cut on a CNC cutter, heated in a Pizza oven and formed on wooden molds by hand.)

 Will Curry in the middle watching Pebble Beach with Fans of GOLFSTR+ Pete and Andy in the Blue Martini, Naples, FL.

Will Curry in the middle watching Pebble Beach with Fans of GOLFSTR+ Pete and Andy in the Blue Martini, Naples, FL.


Not only did we change the manufacturing process to injection molding with Lexan (an unbreakable polycarbonate) but we also created a Black Rubber Extender which slides on to the end of the plastic plate in 2 optional directions for additional pressure on the back of the arm. As it turned out we needed the soft rubber Extender to avoid the potential for skin irritation when we incorporated 5 more swing fixes for this amazing Training Aid. ……and (as Paul Harvey would have said) “the rest of the story IS HISTORY! “



Back to the Night Club in Naples and Andy’s Swing Tip
I told Andy about the swing tip I got from Terry Scanlan, in St Andrews, Scotland: keeping your leading ear lined up behind the ball until after impact. Andy told me that he does the same thing but he uses the reminder of CHEEK to CHEEK:

He figured this out by watching Rory McIlroy (the current #1 Golfer in the World). In your back swing, rotate your shoulders until your left shoulder meets your left CHEEK as you keep your head down facing the ball. Then execute your swing (keeping you head in the same position) as you come through the inside to outside slot until your right shoulder hits your right CHEEK. That’s how he keeps his left ear lined up behind the ball before he moves his head and chest to face the direction that he is aiming.

I know that readers of our Swing Tips are all searching for the perfect solution to this wonderful game. Anything to keep the nasty Golf DEMONS out of our heads. Hope this one has been helpful. Thank you for passing the word on about GOLFSTR+. Check it out on www.golfstr.com.

Enjoy and Hit’em Long and Straight,      Will Curry

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Play the way you Hit’em on the Range

Have you ever said: “If only I could play on the course the way I hit’em on the range.” [You aren’t the only one: Craig Stadler said it on the Golf Channel after shooting 71 at the Allianz Tournament.] If you had the solution, do you think you could drop your score by 10 strokes or even 20 strokes? The only difference between the golf range and the golf course is your  positive mental attitude.

Practice on the driving range before a round of golf to loosen up your arms, back and body rotation. When you are loose and relaxed, work on your grip, stance and swing technique without fear of failure.  Develop muscle memory as you repeat your swing.

Use your GOLFSTR+ to ensure that you see the result of a straight leading arm or flat wrist or lag in your backswing for chipping and full swing. Repetition with the right rhythm, transition and acceleration can all be practiced on the range. Duplicate your swing without your GOLFSTR+ and you will feel like a hugh weight is off your shoulders.

Mindset and Attitude:
Keeping the same positive mindset that you developed in the practice area is the key to your success on the golf course. Try these tips to keep the same frame of mind when you reach the first tee.

  1. Calm and Relaxed: On the range there was no pressure so your mind can focus on your swing. You were CALM AND RELAXED. You need to be relaxed to repeat this on the course.
  2. Practice Swing: Rehearse your swing exactly as you plan to make it when you hit your ball.
  3. Light Grip: Realize how tight you are holding your club. Relax your grip and hold your club just tight enough to prevent it from rotating in your hands during the swing.
  4. Breath: Take a breathe and exhale to relax.  Let your shoulders drop as you exhale.
  5. Block out Noise and Thoughts: Use “blocking” words to say in your mind to eliminate other thoughts. I like to use the words: “straight” (before I start my takeaway with 2 straight arms), “lag” (to complete the wrist cock at the top of my swing) and “press” as I press my hip forward to start my downswing.

Don’t get PPMU: Post-Par- Mess-Up. After you par a hole don’t lose your focus and try to kill the next drive. STAY IN CONTROL.

Frank Hesson is training these kids to have the right attitude and stay positive.  Got to love this game.

Frank Hesson is training these kids to have the right attitude and stay positive. Got to love this game.

One of our GOLFSTR customers, Frank Hesson, a PGA pro in Cherry Hill, NJ teaches the philosophy: “make golf simple and a personalized expression of each golf student. Your golf swing is like your fingerprint. And your golf game is your signature.”

Learning to take control of your golf game will help you take control of your life. Think about it   — POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE !     Click Here to get a GOLFSTR+     and get in the game!

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Best Swing Tips from GOLFSTR Followers

Feedback from those who read the GOLFSTR Weekly Swing Tips has been wonderful. I asked for the golf breakthrough tip that has helped YOUR game. I received many comments about training with GOLFSTR+ using one or more of the Swing Solutions. I am really pleased to hear about your successes (especially from France, England, Singapore and Australia). Now here are some of the suggestions from others:

Terry Scanlan, St Andrews Scotland: Keep your left ear behind the ball as you strike the shot. [This is for right handed players, reverse for lefties.] (I asked him to if there is a difference for Driver and Irons) “Yes I have a theory on this, with irons you still need to keep your left ear behind the ball but your stance will be much narrower than with the driver so a slight nudge of the left hip towards the target moves the weight slightly onto the left foot, ideal for striking down on the irons. Try it and see, your left ear still needs to feel like it is behind the ball as you strike it.”

Note: I suggested this tip to a friend who was visiting. She tried it that day and broke 100. The best round in her life.

Robert Riley, Crookston, Minnesota: The answer for me was the day I felt the magic of making contact with the ball at the right time. It’s the same way that Gary Player makes contact and follows in a walk toward his target. That moment came to me after hitting balls on a wet driving range mat when wearing flat souled shoes. I realized that if my weight at the point of contact was centered between my right and left foot, my shots would be crisp and consistent. I was right as my plummeting handicap attested. Glad to share my success, Robert.

Note: Robert is right. Rushing the transition and the initial downswing will throw your balance to your trailing foot. A balanced swing through the ball is the key to success. Robert is moving his hips forward as he reaches the top of his swing to offset the initial trailing force at the top of his swing. Balance and follow-through is the key for success. What a great tip.

Michael Breed, Commentator on the Golf Channel Loves GOLFSTR+.  A great inspiration.

Michael Breed, Commentator on the Golf Channel Loves GOLFSTR+. A great inspiration.

Michael Breed, The Golf Channel: Michael called me in July of 2014 as he was impressed with GOLFSTR+ offering 6 swing solutions (and the fact that you can just slid it in your pocket for ease of access). We met at the PGA Merchandise Show last month in Orlando and talked about swing success. He agreed with the breakthrough tip that I got from watching his show: keeping 2 arms straight in the takeaway is so important as they force your shoulders to rotate 90 degrees for more power and distance. [As we age we lose this ability to rotate the spine and we lose power and distance.]

Will Curry met Martin Chuck at the PGA Show 2015.  He is another great inspiration for our blogs.

Will Curry met Martin Chuck at the PGA Show 2015. He is another great inspiration for our blogs.

Note: I get many or our great tips from Michael Breed and Martin Chuck on the Revolution Golf Blog. I met with both of them at the PGA Merchandise Golf Show and just wanted to share their smiling faces as they really are my inspiration.

Check out GOLFSTR+ to improve your game on www.golfstr.com

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Tennis and Golf are HEAD GAMES

In the game of golf  YOU are in the driver’s seat. You and only you control every shot. YOU are playing the game against yourself. I realized how important this was last night as I heard Eugenie Bouchard (a Canadian woman who is #6 in the world) talk about losing her focus as she became over confident. She won 9 of the first 10 games [in a key match in the Australian Tennis Open] and then lost 7 of the next 9 games. This collapse is the same mental failure that we can experience in golf.

Unfortunately in tennis when the momentum shifts, your opponent gets a renewed positive mental boost which works against you. In golf your buddies or opponents may be making cute remarks about your play but this game is only about your mind over your personal demons.

Jeanne Bouchard is a hot 21 year old tennis star on a mission.  She just told herself to win and did it.

Jeanne Bouchard is a hot 21 year old tennis star on a mission. She just told herself to win and did it.

BACK TO THE TENNIS MATCH: After serving double-fault on set point to lose the second set, Bouchard took a short break (as reported by  John Pye The Associated Press): “I gave myself a good, long hard look in the mirror,” Bouchard explained of her brief absence from Rod Laver Arena. “I said, ‘Genie, this is unacceptable.’ I really kind of kicked myself in the butt a little bit.”  [That how she said it on national TV but she meant to say: “Let’s go kick some ass!”]

She returned to the court and won the final set 6 – 2.


How much do you think Tiger wants to win?

How much do you think Tiger wants to win?

BACK TO YOUR GOLF GAME: For every swing in this game, you need to isolate your mind from the noise around you, from the comments of others and especially any negative thoughts. Unfortunately our minds are filled with the thoughts of previous amazing shots and dismal failures.

Golf is a game where you need to build confidence. Even Tiger Woods hits errant shots off the first tee in tournaments. We play this game to learn control over our minds and bodies. It is so mentally rewarding when it all comes together. Your mind has to be the starting point for consistency in golf.

If you find that your game is going off track, give your head a shake and get back in the game.  You CAN get back on track! I am not talking about doing 1000 practice pitch shots the way Tiger does to groove a new swing. A swing with a straight leading arm and a consistent distance to the ball is the perfect starting point. I’m talking about using that grey cement between your ears.

Practice with your GOLFSTR+ for consistent hits. Remember what the correct swing feels like and keep your head in the game. Buy GOLFSTR+ and pass this along to help others enjoy this game. CLICK TO Check out www.golfstr.com.

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A New Swing is NOT Automatic!

It just dawned on me as to why most of my swings are wonderful and a few of my swings are messed up. ANSWER: My mind is like the mind of an elephant. I have a long memory that resists change. In other words: Brilliant but STUPID. I know that I want a calm and relaxed straight arm swing, an easy transition with a body shift and a balanced finish but I keep sliding back into my old habits.

I worked hard to improve my game for years with the wrong swing. Sure it was frustrating watching the pros on TV with those wonderful swings and hoping that my mind would somehow lock into that same wonderful motion. What was I thinking?


>Some people learn to groove a proper swing at a young age with help from a concerned parent or instructor.

>Others quickly learn that a baseball swing is used in Baseball and a golf swing is totally different.

>Unfortunately I  ( like 50% of all golfers) fall into a category of a ROBOT WITH A POOR MEMORY. Change is not natural for our minds, muscles and bodies.

If you really want to change your swing, you need to form new habits and a new FOCUS. Knowing what you want to do is only half the battle. Completing 20 perfect swings on the driving range is a wonderful feeling. Unfortunately that messed up 21st swing tells you that your mind is reverting back to your STUPID OLD ROBOT MIND.

Perfection in golf is what we all strive for. Even the professionals mess up the occasional swing by topping or shanking their balls (but the TV Producers rarely show us these shots).

SOLUTION: You need a plan to change your swing pattern.  Try using queues to make the right swing for every type of club and condition. This is not an easy task.
1/ Take lessons or read up on the proper swing mechanics for the best opportunity to match the results of great golfers.

GOLFSTR+  is a great aid to help you groove that perfect swing.  Use it to help you correct your swing.  It's a great Brain Trainer.

GOLFSTR+ is a great aid to help you groove that perfect swing. Use it to help you correct your swing. It’s a great Brain Trainer.

2/ Buy training aids such as GOLFSTR+ with 6 swing solutions to help build a consistent swing by repeating the correct motion.
3/ Use GOLFSTR+ to practice often on the driving range and under playing conditions. You may find that you are using new muscles and that they ache when you are changing to your new swing. [By the way, if your muscles are aching when using GOLFSTR+, you know that you are changing your swing. Put your GOLFSTR+ aside for that day. Recover and then start using it again. Your muscles are changing and you need to accept that it will take time to change.]
4/ Seeing success at the driving range and while you play will build confidence. Use queue words like “Straight, Lag, Press” to focus on key motions during your setup and during your swing.  STAY IN THE ZONE.

Buy a GOLFSTR+ on www.golfstr.com and use it often to keep your mind focused. LOVE THIS GAME.

Request to add a REVIEW about GOLFSTR on AMAZON.com. 

To help us grow expand our business we would really appreciate a REVIEW by our GOLFSTR users in AMAZON.  Some of the reviews on Amazon are out of date and misleading as we now include a Black Rubber Extender to give you optional ways to change the pressure on the back of your arm (when using GOLFSTR+ as a straight arm trainers).    If you have a user account on Amazon.com, you can add a REVIEW about GOLFSTR.

1/ Enter the site by clicking on www.amazon.com.

2/ Enter the search word:  GOLFSTR and then click on GOLFSTR Swing Like a Pro Golf Trainer

3/ Scroll to the bottom of the page to find : Write a Customer REVIEW.  Click on the box, sign in with your account and enter a review.  Just a few comments will help others find this amazing product.

Thank you.  Your input is greatly appreciated!


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