Welcome to YOUR Swing Support Center, a blog with tips to help you transition to your new straight leading arm back-swing. This blog allows us to share information which we find in articles by golf professionals or success stories submitted by GOLFSTR users. These tips have helped me and I hope they help you too.

Bill Curry, inventor of GOLFSTR

Archives for the ‘Swing Solutions’ Category

Golf Training Aids: Miracles or Duds?

Golf is a crazy game. It looks so simple but it’s so frustrating. You are only trying to swing a club at a stationary ball. That really should be easier than playing tennis or baseball where the ball is flying at you with different speeds and unexpected curves. Golf gives you as much time as you need to prepare for a shot. You can relax your mind and muscles and take full control of your body so why is it so damn difficult to consistently hit that stupid little ball?

Of course we all know that our personal emotions play a big part in our ability to consistently hit a perfect shot for every unique location of the ball. Practicing with GOLF TRAINING AIDS appear to be the best solution to improve our performance. So why is it that they turn out to be the MIRACLE CURE for some and a DUD for others?

Why buy 6 training aids to fix every swing in your game when GOLFSTR will do it all.

1/ Unique Designs to Solve Specific Problem: Every Training Aid has been developed and tested by someone to create a more consistent swing. I designed GOLFSTR+ to remind me to keep my leading arm straight in the back swing. I immediately learned that I did not have the physical ability to rotate my body and arms like Rory McIlroy but I learned that by limiting my backswing AND KEEPING MY LEADING ARM STRAIGHT (WITH WRIST LAG), I was able to generate more powerful, consistent shots.

2/ Commitment to Succeed: Over time you may be able to develop more flexibility in your body but I quickly learned that flexibility in my shoulder and spine rotation does not happen overnight. You have to work with the physical limitations of your body. I have learned to accept the fact that I will never generate the power of those young bucks that we admire every week on the PGA Tour.

3/ Exercise to Improve Performance: We lose flexibility as we age but we can exercise to improve our performance. Golf-Info-Guide by Thomas Golf provided a simple stretch exercise at the end of this video: Right Way to Keep YOUR Left Arm Straight.  Copy this URL and paste it in your browser:  http://golf-info-guide.com/video-golf-tips/the-right-way-to-keep-your-left-arm-straight-video/

4/ Endorsement by a Professional: Anyone can pay enough money to get a professional to endorse a golf training aid. Pros don’t need to use GOLFSTR+ to remind them to keep their leading arm straight. They do it naturally. Fortunately pros RECOMMENDED 5 MORE USES for GOLFSTR+ to improve putting, chipping and lag training to generate more power and distance. Michael Breed (a PGA Certified Trainer on the Golf Channel) complimented me personally for developing a training aid with “6 swing fixes that you can just slide in your pocket”. GOLFSTR+ really is the Swiss Army Knife of golf training aids.

5/ Pay Attention to Testimonials by Real Users: Rich Gula, a 70 year old golfer from the Boston area with a handicap index of 11 responded to my recent weekly blog “Get Your Game Back on Track!”

“Great stuff to start the New Swing Year! Bought your device some time ago and love it! It’s a very worthy successor to “The Bickler” of many years ago and “The Secret” of The Shark! Your support online however is superb! Your emphasis on fundamentals with the GOLFSTR+ keeps the ball in the fairway. The device is truly helpful for improving shots 50 yards or less as well. Thank you! “ Rich Gula

The Bickler was endorsed by Ken Venturi and John Cook to lock your wrists in a V shape for every putt. Greg Norman’s “The Secret” controls the angle of your trailing wrist for every shot in your game. GOLFSTR+ gives you both of these training solutions and so much more. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com


5/ Imbedded Ball in a Bunker: You can move the ball back and drop it in the bunker for a 1 stroke penalty or out of the trap on a line to the green for a  2 stroke penalty.

6/ Yellow Penalty Area (stream or canyon): drop ball back on a line to the green from the point of entry (1 stroke). Red Penalty Area (woods and water):  If the ball is lost, estimate the point where the ball was lost, return to the fairway an equal distance to the hole from the point of entry and drop within 2 club lengths of the edge of the fairway as far back as you want to go. (2 stroke penalty).  Ideally you should hit a provisional ball whenever you think your ball could be lost in a Red Stacked Penalty Area. (Your provisional ball, if needed, is lying 3 off the tee or take a stroke and distance at the point where you last hit.)

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Get Your Game Back on Track !

When you are playing a wonderful round of golf do you ever wonder when the wheels will fall off? And then it happens! Or have you ever played a great first nine holes and someone points out that you are playing over your head and it does go right to your head. You just can’t get back on track.

Here are some great ideas to get back on track DURING YOUR ROUND OF GOLF. Try these ideas before you step up to the next tee.

WAKEUP and get back on track.

1/ Flip your club and swing with your grip at the end to feel the club release and hear the whooshing sound at the point of impacts. Then flip your club and do the same with your normal swing.

2/ Choke down on your grip by 2 inches. You may hit a shorter distance but controlling your swing will make it easier to impact your ball on the center of your club face. Take some practice swings to adjust.

3/ Make sure that you are controlling for your natural fad or draw. For a Fade: Setup with a slightly open face and a lower tee height. For a Draw: Setup with a slightly closed face and a higher tee.

Recognize when your game is going sideways. Take action to get back on track.

4/ If you are falling backwards at the end of your swing, you are not shifting your weight properly. You are swinging too fast with your arms before your weight can shift to your leading foot. Try the Step Drill. Put your feet together and start to step forward (like a baseball player), as you reach the top during your swing. Do this just to get the feeling for your weight shift.

Another solution is to setup with a little more weight on your leading foot.  Avoid swaying back during your backswing, just rotate your shoulders and finish your swing on you leading foot.

5/ When you are tense, a tighter grip will close the face of your club and generate more draw or even a duck hook. Loosen up! Keep your grip at a nice light 4 out of 10.

You can get back on track in the middle of your round. Take control of your mind and your game. You can also practice these suggestions on the practice range before your round with your GOLFSTR+. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com

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Modernized Golf Rules Take Effect January 1 2019

It’s time to familiarize yourself with the New Rules of Golf.   USGA and The R&A have simplified the rules to speed up the game. One rule that they forgot to include is at the start of every round, players should agree to play ready golf.  If you reach your ball anywhere off the green and you are ready to take your shot,  just take it, as long as others are out of the way.

This is an abbreviated version of the 15 rule changes. Why not print them out and keep them in your bag in the event of any disputes. [The official rules are about 20 pages long but this summary will cover 95% of your concerns.]

Note: Points #5, #6 and #8 have been expanded for clarification.

Your luck in golf will only improve with practice.  Buy a GOLFSTR+ and get lucky.

1/ To speed up play, you have the option to leave the flagstick in the hole.
2/ Fix any imperfection or loose impediment on the green (including spike marks).
3/ Accidental movement of the ball is no longer a penalty. Just put it back.
4/ Bunker: You can remove loose impediments but if you move the ball it’s 1 stroke penalty.
5/ Imbedded Ball in a Bunker: You can move the ball back and drop it in the bunker for a 1 stroke penalty or out of the trap on a line to the green for a  2 stroke penalty.
6/ Yellow Penalty Area (stream or canyon): drop ball back on a line to the green from the point of entry (1 stroke). Red Penalty Area (woods and water): If the ball is lost, estimate the point where the ball was lost, return to the fairway an equal distance to the hole and drop within 2 club lengths of the edge of the fairway as far back as you want to go. (2 stroke penalty).  Ideally you want to have hit a provisional ball whenever you think your ball could be lost in a Red Stacked Penalty Area (Your provisional ball, if needed, is lying 3 off the tee.)
7/ Search a maximum of 3 minutes for a ball. If ball is stepped on or picked up, just replace it.
8/ Out of Bounds or Lost Ball: Stroke and distance penalty or 2 stroke penalty  at any point no closer to the hole from the point of loss to 2 club lengths inside the edge of the fairway.
9/ Putting a ball back in play: Use your longest club (excludes putter) & drop from knee height.
10/ Using a scope to measure distance is allowed.
11/ A bent or broken club CAN be used but it CAN’T BE REPLACED.
12/ You are allowed to replace a cut or broken ball if it is damaged during play.
13/ You can replace your ball with a new ball at the start of every hole.
14/ During a continuous swing you are allowed to hit the ball twice and count only 1 stroke.
15/ You can accidentally hit yourself or others with a ball. No penalty. [But you can’t intentionally ricochet a ball off an object and then hit yourself (1 stroke penalty).]

A Golf Training Aids like GOLFSTR+ gives you an unfair advantage when playing a round of golf. Don’t use it for any round used to enter your handicap. It’s a wonderful product to use for practice rounds or in the practice area for 6 swing fixes. Wishing you All the Best in Life and Golf. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com

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Cameron Champ is like a New Sunrise in Golf !

In last week’s Swing Tip we offered to expose the critical factors to make you a great golfer. We focused on the limited importance of your weight, height and age on your swing performance. As it turned out there are many examples of professional golfers who break the barriers for weight, height and age. The good news is that any golfer, including you, can be the world’s best golfer with the the right model for a swing and the right physical training.

Sean Foley was hired by Tiger Woods to convert his aging and very successful swing back to its winning form. Unfortunately Tiger still had a lot of physical and mental baggage. Sean had some success in getting Tiger back in shape but he did an even better job by working with Cameron Champ from the age of 14. Cameron had talent at a young age but Sean was able to turn him into a consistent long ball MACHINE.

Cameron Champ loops his club down to a lower plane from the top of his transition to generate more club head speed.

Tony Finau is one of the longer drivers on the Pro Tour. He commented at a driving competition in Utah where Cameron Champ was consistently hitting 400 yards and landing in the target fairway. Tony was amazed at how long and accurate each of Champs shots were. He is only 23 and short at 6-feet tall as compared to the competition but he out-drove the field. He commented that Cameron’s club head speed created the distance because his swing is efficient, his body is flexible and he consistently hit in the center to the face of his driver.

Champ has a wide takeaway that loops down about 10 inches at the top. He then swings down a lower plane and up the inside slot through his target line. He must have a light grip as his balls typically fly in a straight path. A wide takeaway with a slight loop at the top will definitely stop you from swinging over the top and slicing the ball.  TRY IT, YOU’LL LIKE IT!

Cameron Champ keeps his eyes on the ball, even well after impact, to drive his square club face directly up the target line.

To help you hit more consistently on the center of your club face, make sure that you focus your eyes on the ball. Most of the pros keep looking at the ball location after impact when putting and chipping. Cameron makes sure that he never lifts his head off the ball during every golf swing to ensure that he connects perfectly on the center of the face. Every great athlete who plays sports with a ball, including Roger Federer, focuses their eyes on the point of impact and you should too.

Very few long ball driving champions ever become Tour Professionals because their percentage in hitting fairways is too low. Cameron Champ has the complete package for driving distance to the fairway, greens in regulation and a low putts per green average. He is already a new top 100 contender and will give Tiger and the rest of the top 10 boys a run for their money in 2019.

I expect Tiger Woods, Brooks Koepka, Rory McIlroy, Jordon Spieth and Justin Rose to be dominant players and winners in 2019 but Cameron Champ will be in there working his way to the top of that list.

Use your GOLFSTR+ to learn a consistent swing with a straight leading arm and lag on a lower plane with your trailing wrist for longer drives and iron shots. These are only 2 of the 6 swing fixes that you can learn with GOLFSTR+. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com

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Does Weight, Height or Age Give You the Advantage in Golf?

I have always used these mental excuses for not hitting my drives as far as others in my foursome. Of course we are all looking for excuses. Now that we are starting a new PGA golf season, I noticed that there are some surprising results. By recent performance of some of the top players in the world, it looks like skill, strength and flexibility are more important than weight, height and age.

Are Weight and Height Key Factors for Your Golf Swing?
Brian Harman and Patton Kizzire teamed up to capture golf’s QBE Shootout at the Tiburón Golf Club in Naples, Florida last week. It’s a 3 day event with a Scramble, Alternate Shot and Best Ball formats. This is a great example of tall and short as well as heavy and light weight where these factors had limited effect.

Congratulations to the Harman/Kizzire team winning QBE Shootout where it clearly showed that size does not matter in golf.

Patton Kizzire: 32, 6 foot 5inches, 215 pounds. In RSM Classic his driving average was 286 yards, longest 312, accuracy was 72% and GIR 76.4%
Brian Harman:5 foot 7 inches, 31 years old and 150 pounds. RSM Classic his average drive was 275 yards and his longest was 308 with an accuracy of 87.5% and GIR 72.2 %

Another recent example of an aging, short and light weight golfer Louis Oosthuizen at 36, 5 foot 10 inches and 180 pounds recently won the South African Open. On the par 4, 9th hole, he hit a 341 yard drive to pin high (but missed the eagle putt). 4 years ago he won the 2014 PGA Long Drive Competition with a drive of 340 yards beating Jason Day by 2 yards.

Is Age a Limiting Factor?
Charles Howell III at 39 and Matt Kucher at 40 both recently won tournaments on the same day and exactly 4 years after they had their last PGA Tournament wins.  Tiger Woods is 42 and now that he has recovered from many physical and emotional problems he will most likely win more tournaments. Of course we can’t forget the near miss for Tom Watson at age 60 when he lost his lead and tied on the 18th hole of The Open in 2009. Unfortunately he lost the playoff.

Why is an Average Sized Guy Outperforming the Big Hitters?
Cameron Champ is only 23, 6 feet tall and weighs 180 pounds. At the US Open 2017 he led the field in driving distance at 337 yards. When he won the Safeway Open, his average club-head speed and ball speed, were the fastest at 129.66 mph and 192.67 mph. He swings wide in the takeaway and loops down at the top and then swings from the inside slot and up his target line.  [Try it, you’ll like it.]

Cameron’s swing coach from the age of 14, Sean Foley, pointed out, “Look how much his club lies down across the top.” It looping about 10 inches down at the top. “He’s really loaded without swaying off the ball.” He has a perfect straight arm swing and wrist lag with a delayed release for major whipping action and power. He also pointed out that Cameron’s drives are about 30 yards longer than Dustin Johnson.

Weight, height and age are not the controlling factors in the golf swing. In our next blog we will summarize why skill, strength and flexibility along with an efficient swing are so critical for your golf swing. Practice for the perfect swing with GOLFSTR+. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com

                              Merry Christmas!   Still Time to Place your Xmas Gift Orders

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Is Visualization Burning Memory in your Brain?

Our weekly Swing Training Support Blogs are created based on what we see and hear that the professional golfers are doing.  It’s interesting that I recall seeing that Jack Nicholas always spent time to visualizing his shots.  Brendan Steele made a similar comment on the Golf Channel about pausing (about 2 seconds) to not only find a target but he focuses on a specific point that he wants to hit.  I’m only mentioning this because pros have been telling us to do exactly the same thing for putting.  “Focus on your putting target.”  Could burning an impression in our brain really help us hit our target?

Visualization sounds like a bunch of bunk because our swing is an action that only impacts with the ball and the target is in a totally different location.  The swing and the target are really 2 independent issues.  Why would visualization create a perfect end result for a ball that we have little control over?   We are only giving the ball direction and power and the target is a figment of our imagination (because we are supposed to be looking at the ball through impact).

Visualize your target.   Then focus on swing to power your ball  up your target line.  The water is only a mirage.

The Problem:
Our brain tries to take our golf club through a set of points that will hopefully create a successful shot.  Is it really just connecting the dots for our body rotation to put the club head in different locations throughout the swing?  This is actually a STUPID thought because our brains can’t process all of these thoughts throughout the swing.

Your downswing takes so little time that you can’t possibly try to connect a number of points to pass with your hands or your club head.  What you can do is focus on the point where you want your club to impact and the visualized point where you want your ball to go.  BURN it into your mind by staring at your target for at least 2 seconds.  Then trace back on a line to the point on the grass about 2 feet from your ball.  Now you have 1 target line on 2 points that your mind is visualizing.  Your swing has to be on autopilot to swing up that line.  Now let your mind take over, load up and release your controlled swing up that line.

Even Tiger says that his putting is all about “feel” but he has to see the line and visualize the putt to create confidence for his putt.

You should feel the line that is now BURNED INTO YOUR BRAIN exactly the same way you do when you putt up your chosen line.   You need to see the point of impact before your head looks up.  You should feel and know that your swing plane is impacting your ball exactly up your chosen path.   With practice, your confidence will improve with every swing.  Practice with GOLFSTR+ to learn your straight arm swing plane.  Buy one today at www.golfstr.com

                          GOLFSTR+ makes a great CHRISTMAS GIFT for every Golfer on your List


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Is your Brain Getting in Your Way ?

If you play golf with too many thoughts in your mind, you are setting up to fail.  You need a way to simplify your game and clear your mind before every swing.   Practice the correct full swing on your practice swing and then move up to your ball and go into auto pilot.  Swing with confidence and don’t let your brain get in your way.

Brooks Koepka said that “he has NO swing thought”.  When he settles over a shot he says “his mind goes quite”.  He says that he is not trying to work on anything while he is playing a round of golf. He simplifies the game so much that his only thought is if he will miss long or miss short.

He knows the shot that he needs to make with every slope condition and with every club. Practice gave him the peace of mind and confidence that he will make each shot the way he visualizes it.  At the start of the 2018 season, while he recovered from a wrist injury, he learned to fall in love with the game of golf again.  He missed playing so much that his mind learned to tune-in to every shot when he started to play again.

Get those crazy thoughts out of your mind when you make the perfect practice swing. Then repeat at the same speed when you power that ball directly at your target.

KEY FOCUS:  He learned to put pressure on himself when he was practicing.  Adding pressure to make the perfect swing (WHILE HE WAS PRACTICING), forced his attention for the perfect setup and relaxed grip for a powerful swing during his rounds of golf.

David Alred is a famous golf instructor who worked with Luke Donald [born December 7, 1977 – lucky 7’s?]. In 2011 (at the age of 34, 3+4 = lucky 7) he was the top money earner on the PGA Tour as well as the Race to Dubai.  Alred also worked with Francesco Molinari to help him train for his win at The 2018 OPEN.  He help both Donald and Molinari win by practicing to make every shot a winner with a planned purpose.  Each shot was to save par or setup a birdie or win a match.  The pressure was on to perform.  He made them practice under pressure to make every shot a perfect shot.

Golf is unpredictable.  You need to practice for the unpredictable lies on unpredictable slopes.  Make yourself uncomfortable and learn to make the shot that you want.

You chock when you lose your rhythm.  Make your practice swing a perfect full swing with the right rhythm.  Know that your practice swing will execute the right shot.  Then repeat the same light grip and controlled swing to a balance finish.   It really is an amazing feeling when you feel your shot and then make the shot, especially as a recreational player.

When you practice, figure out why a shot goes left or right, long or short and especially why it was perfect.  That’s what Bubba Watson does.  Practice with GOLFSTR+ for every swing in your game.  Buy one today at www.golfstr.com 

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Golf 101: Direction Control

Controlling the directions of your ball flight is more critical than any other part of your golf game. Most courses are fairly forgiving with wide fairways but don’t let that fool you into going for the gusto on every shot. The final LPGA Tournament of the year (CME Globe) is held at Tiberon Golf Club in Naples, FL. It’s not a long course but it is narrow and any shot into the woods is not forgiving. I’ve played that course a few times and I know what those ladies were going through. Without direction control you will never score low.

My game falls apart during the 3 or 4 holes where one of my shots decides to slice or duck hook. Every par 3 will tell you if you have control of your direction. If you aren’t hitting the green and 2 putting, that should be your wake-up call. I tend to lose my direction control when I try to put more power into my swing or when I feel a little cocky about may last birdie. It ALL comes down to mind control and swing tempo.

Your fairways may be wide but don’t let that fool you. Know how to control your direction and plan it for every hit.

How to Focus on Direction Control
Consistent Swing Tempo: Take control of your game when you find your rhythm at the driving range before your first tee drive. If your hips, shoulders and arms are moving correctly, you will control the direction of every shot. Every shot with each different club on different slope of the ground demands your attention for the right setup but don’t let that change your swing tempo.

Choose the Right Club: Changing wind direction can play with your mind. Commit to your shot when you chose the club that will reach your target with an 80%, controlled swing speed.

Find your Swing Speed: Swinging faster and slower for each club is the kiss of death. Consistent cadence allows you to keep your hips, shoulders and arms in a consistent timing sequence. If the wind gets a little stronger, don’t swing harder. Either wait for the gust to die down or make sure that you have 2 clubs to choose from to reach the distance that you want.

Test your clubs for three quarter and half back swing at the same Cadence: You will find situations where you have to swing with a limited backswing. Practice these swings at the practice range to see how they affect your direction control.

Adjust for your Short Shots: Slowing down your swing for any of you longer clubs will often lead to leaving the face of your club open (causing a push or slice). The same problem happens when you use your Pitching, Gap or Sand Wedge. Gripping down when you have too much club is always the best way to keep your consistent swing cadence. If you have to slow down your swing cadence then you should setup with an open stance with more pressure on your forward foot. This allows you to get your hips, shoulders and arms through the shot to a full finish (WITHOUT LEAVING YOUR CLUB FACE OPEN).

Why do the pros look like they are in control of every swing? You got it: They swing with the same pace and cadence for direction control. Sure they can hit further than you because their lag and release is more powerful. Remember: Control direction first and you will save a lot more stokes in every round of golf. Practice with GOLFSTR+ to learn your ideal cadence. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com

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Quick Fixes for Brain Cramps on the Golf Course

Have you ever been playing a round of golf when nothing is working right? It may start at the first tee or the wheels fall off half way through your round. When it happens you need to recognize that your body is not moving correctly. If you are in a match, you can’t use a golf training aid. However, we found some great fixes from GolfRX and a few pro golfer tips to fix your BRAIN CRAMPS.

These are legal ideas that you can do while you are in the middle of your round.

For your Drives and Fairway Shots

Jean Van de Velde lost his swing at Carnoustie British Open 1999 final hole. It can happen at any time. Get your swing back.

1/ Correct your wrist release:Flip your club upside down and swing your shaft to allow the grip to release at the bottom of the swing to create a whooshing sound. You can’t do this with straight wrists. Lag your wrists at the top and let them release at the bottom of your swing. Then repeat your swing holding your club correctly. Whoooosh!

2/ Stand with your feet together and swing in balance so that you are not falling back. Now setup normally with a little more pressure on your leading foot. Swing so that you finish in balance on your leading foot.

3/ Put your golf glove under your leading armpit and take a few practice swings. When you take your club back, rotate your shoulders and stay connected without dropping your glove from your armpit. If your body stays connected, you will rotate your upper trunk and generate more power and a louder whoosh at the point of impact.

For Putting:
1/ Putt with our shoulders not your wrists: Try putting with a golf ball pressed between the upper end of your putter and your trailing wrist. If you bend your wrists, the ball will fall out. Putt by locking your wrists and rocking your shoulders to move the V-shape of your arms holding your putter.

2/ Don’t freeze-up changing from your practice swing to your putting stroke: You need to keep your shoulders and spine fluid. Make 1 or 2 practice swings to learn the feel for the correct swing distance to pass the hole by 10 to 15 inches. Then step forward to your ball, stare at your target point for 2 seconds to lock your brain into your putting distance and repeat the same putting stroke.

If you aren’t sinking putts on the practice green before you start your round, you should test your putter to find the “sweet spot” on your putter face: Aim at a target about 3 to 5 feet away on a flat section of a green. Then hit 3 balls off the toe and 3 off the heel of your putter. The balls will consistently move in the wrong direction. Find the “balanced” center of your putter by testing putts on the center-line and then inside and outside of the center-line. Then putt 5 more balls so that you impact the ball exactly at your newly found “sweet spot”.

If you keep playing golf the same way, you will keep making the same mistakes. Shake up your game. Practice with GOLFSTR+ and take control of your game. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com

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Can YOU Hula with a Hula Hoop?

As the weather changes to winter, you should find indoor sports to keep your body active and flexible. Basic floor exercises are a must, in order to keep our bodies in shape. Unfortunately, as we age we spend less time keeping flexible and that is the major reason why we injure parts of our bodies whenever we start a new repetitive activity.

Try the Hula Hoop for exercise. Can’t do it? Your flexibility needs some work.

I was reminded that my body and all of my aging friends are losing our flexibility when we were relaxing with drinks after playing Pickleball. Someone picked up a Hula Hoop and found that we (including anyone else who tired it) could not keep it whirling around our bodies. We all laughed as we knew that we could easily use a Hula Hoop in our youth for fun. Our group ranged in ages from 40 to 75 and no-one had the flexibility to keep that Hula Hoop alive. Wake-up call!

Let’s face it.  As we age, we lose our speed and agility to use something as simple as a Hula Hoop. Our bodies are changing. It may be the girth of our mid-section or the mobility of our torso but it must be affecting our golf games too.

Brooks Koepka is now the number 1 golfer in the world. He said that he works out for 10 hours per week on both strength and flexibility and then puts more time into flexibility. He admires gymnasts and the performers in Cirque du Soleil saying, “Pound for pound they are the strongest people in the world”. He feels that there is no correlation between strength and flexibility. Great golfers need both and you have to put your effort into both areas even though many exercises can develop strength and flexibility.

Ways to Keep in Shape over the Winter
1/ In-door Sports: Workouts on with rubber bands and on the floor only go so far. Sports like tennis, pickleball, squash and badminton are all active sports that affect every muscle in your body. Try to pick-up one of these sport or even get to a skating rink to get more muscles active.

2/ My 97 year old father-in-law starts every day with stretch exercises in bed before he even tries to get out of bed. Then he helps with any odd jobs or cleaning up at the family lumber yard.There are many air duct cleaners you can trust so you can also avail services by contacting them. Whatever you do, don’t stop moving.

3/ I have mentioned one of our blog readers in the past named Raymond, who lives in the French Riviera. Recently he shared his golf success secrets in a response to one of our blogs:
“I’m a normal guy, 5 feet 9 and 160 pounds and I’ve passed the 84 years of age mark. I play to a 7 handicap, 3 or 4 times a week. Having a sound technique is one thing, having a body which suits your swing is another. You have to work on both. I don’t practice at the driving range.”

“For technique, I practice at home in front of a window pane for the full swing (100 swings per day), in my basement for chipping (100 chips) and putting (300 putts) on a 25 foot mat. Simultaneously, I work on my body .I have several regimens: one is taken from JOEY DIOVISALVI’s book FIX YOUR BODY, FIX YOUR SWING (JOEY trains BROOKS KOEPKA and DUSTIN JOHNSON). I also perform isometrics and I lift weights. For speed, I rely on MIKE NAPOLEON’s SUPERSPEED sticks and for core strength I have MIKE BAUMANN’s ULTIMATE SWING SYSTEM (Rubber bands).”  We should all take note. IMPRESSIVE! ]

Rick on the Rotary Golf Blog told us how Tiger Woods changes his golf swing. He works for hours repeating a component of his golf swing to ingrain it into his mind and muscles without ever hitting a golf ball. Repetition is key. We all need to pay attention to our bodies and keep in shape for our golf swing. Practice with GOLFSTR+. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com

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