Is Your Mind 100% Focused on your Swing OR the GARMIN Contest WINNER ?

MY POINT:  You can’t talk and chew gum at the same time.  You can’t execute a swing correctly if you are not 100% focused on the swing.  Today I am announcing the winner of the signup promotion for YOUR Swing Support Center.   It’s a stretch to say that your mind may be wondering and thinking about the contest but the GOLF SWING CAN ONLY BE EXECUTED CORRECTLY IF YOUR MIND IS NOT WONDERING.

Are you thinking about keeping the leading arm straight in the back swing; that last bad shot; that buddy standing too close behind you; that comment made about the coffee stain down the front of your shirt or that stupid bird chirping over your head?  In this fast paced life our minds are trained to think rapidly.  Phones, computers and speed of transportation have moved our brains into warp speed.

The tension rises when you step up to make an important shot.  What am I talking about?  Every shot is important: driving, layups, pitching, chipping and putting.  Miss-hit one shot and you can’t possibly make par or bogey.

Rory McIlroy said that when he steps up to hit a ball he has trained his mind to think of nothing else but the process of hitting that ball with the power and direction and finesse that he plans.  His focus is intense.

THE TRICK:  I learned to trick my mind by repeating the identical sequence of words (in the back of my mind) so that I can’t be thinking about anything else.  By rehearsing these words and internalizing them I can only think about the motion and pace of the swing.  When I setup to the ball and relax my shoulders and hands I use the following words:

STRAIGHT ARM:  I think these words as a wake-up alert to focus before I begin my swing.

Sweep :                As I talk my club back with a deliberate slowed pace.

in:                           As I keep my lagging elbow bending in near my side (to open the club face).

aaaand;                 As I make the transition into the forward press and swing with wrists hinged.

Finish:                   As I swing from the inside across the ball to a balanced photo finish pose.

“STRAIGHT ARM . . . . . . . . Sweep in aaaand Finish”   [Where F in Finish is the point of impact.]

Just try saying these words and you won’t have time to think of anything else. 

CONTEST WINNER:  I just called the winner of the GARMIN S3 GPS Watch:  Laurence Schweichler in Caladonia, NY signed up for the contest on November 11 and he also told me that he purchased a GOLFSTR.   He was certainly pleased to hear of his win.  He said that he is a higher handicap golfer and that he has been trying GOLFSTR out by hitting into a net in his back yard & garage and he can see progress with his new swing (even with his jacket on).

Thank you to all who signed up for the Blog and I hope you are enjoying it.  You may also enjoy watching our progress with Shark Tank/ Dragon’s Den/ patent/ retail packaging so check out our Facebook page:


1 comment

  • Larry Schweichler says:

    Thanks Bill, I can’t wait to try out the GARMIN Watch and my improved swing when the spring weather returns. Yes I have noticed a difference even on hitting into my net. As I have the net in an indoor heated enclosure I am looking forward to working much more with GOLFSTR in the new year after the holiday season. Thanks again for making my holiday season and I wish you and your great product a year of success in the new year!

    Larry Schweichler