Change your “Self” to a “Golf Performer Self”

Is it possible to change your “self” into a “Golf Performer Self”?  Many books have been written on this subject and they all point to the fact that you CAN create a new self-image when you step on the first tee or a tennis court or any sport that you choose for that matter. You have performed your past successes and you can use that knowledge to transform your mind and body into a unique “Golf Performer Self”.

Elton John transforms into his own “Performer Self” when he steps on stage. That “Performer Self” is unique from the “self” that we have seen when he is off stage. This is just an example of the unique performer that you can also become when you play every round of golf.

We all know that it is a struggle to take our wonderful practice shots from the practice range to the golf course. On the practice range we are relaxed and hitting a number of shots with the same club to find a consistent rhythm for each club. You may have heard the phrase that “any idiot can hit their second attempt at the same shot better than their first attempt”. All you need to do is put your mind in the same frame-of-mind for every swing in your game.

How do you become your own “Golf Performer Self”  HINT: You have to work at this.
Choose a video of one of your favorite golfers on Find a video of their full swing and then a slow motion version of their swing. I love to visualize Ernie Els’ swing because he never rushes his transition at the top of his backswing. Don’t throw this opportunity away. It’s your chance to step up your game.

Ernie Els has a wonderful golf swing.  His transition and finishing balance are so important:

Ernie Els’ Swing and Slo-Mo Swing (select and skip the ads to see a Golf Monthly video):

Golf Is a Unique Game You Can Master
Golf is one game where you can practice your perfect swing before you swing at your ball. It’s one of the few games (like billiards) where your ball is not even moving. All you have to do is understand the wind condition, the lie of your ball and the right club to reach your target. Once you get those right, your practice swing will confirm the right feel for your swing (without over swinging and killing the shot). Turn your “Performer Golf Self” on and then deliver the same consistent swing that you know will deliver the shot you want.

Don’t Let Bad Thoughts Creep into Your Mind
We all know friends with a low handicap who can shoot rounds in the 70’s or 80’s but when they play in the club championship their game disappears during their final round. There are very few golfers and professional golfers who win golf tournaments. The winners can turn on their INNER CALM that allows them to find their “Performer Self” as compared to their “Real Self” AND YOU CAN TOO!

You have already turned on your “Performer Self” in the past. It happened when you played a round of golf that’s 10 or 15 strokes below your average round of golf. You have done this before and you can do it during every round you play. Just turn on your positive attitude and enjoy keeping every shot in the center of every fairway or chipping it close. Practice with your GOLFSTR+ to learn the right swing for every swing in your game. Buy one today at
