Welcome to YOUR Swing Support Center, a blog with tips to help you transition to your new straight leading arm back-swing. This blog allows us to share information which we find in articles by golf professionals or success stories submitted by GOLFSTR users. These tips have helped me and I hope they help you too.

Bill Curry, inventor of GOLFSTR

Archives for the ‘Swing Solutions’ Category

GOLFSTR+ …….. For Every Swing in Your GAME

We are excited to announce that Mike Calbot www.GolfDoctorUSA.com, a Professional Golf Swing Analyst and Master Instructor at the Old Corkscrew Golf Club,  (a Jack Nicklaus Signature Course) in Naples, Florida is working with us to expand the use of GOLFSTR.  In the following ad Mike is quoted as saying, ” I’ve added GOLFSTR+ in my training program and recommend it to help in so many ways.”  

We now promote GOLFSTR as 5 Training Aids in 1.  It helps you train for EVERY SWING IN YOUR GAME.

We are now re-launching GOLFSTR under the new name of GOLFSTR+.   This half page ad has been released for publication in Golf Tips Magazine and Golf Magazine for a combined circulation of  2 Million subscribers.

Straight Elbow and Wrist for Straight Shots.

Straight Elbow and Straight Wrist for Straight Shots

Mike Calbot’s experience, while instructing with GOLFSTR, woke us up to make changes and offer new applications for this successful Golf  Training Aid.

1.  A Black Rubber EXTENDER has been added to provide 3 options for the pressure on the back of your arm when learning the Straight Elbow Back-Swing.

2.  Mike had previously developed a strap-on Wrist Lock to prevent cupping of the wrist when putting and chipping.  He felt that we could apply the same principle to GOLFSTR.  He recommended that we reverse the direction of GOLFSTR and snug it on the wrist over your golf glove to lock your wrist.  We also found it useful in the back-swing as a guide to prevent cupping and bowing on the wrist in the back-swing.

We also developed a 5th application by reversing the arm band and using the plastic plate to work as a stopping point for your wrist hinge in the back-swing.  We call this application the Back-Swing Lag Trainer.

Place your orders now as we expect to be short of stock this Fall.   CLICK TO check out GOLFSTR+ User Guide on our website.

Hope you enjoyed this release and please pass it along to your friends.


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Golf News of the Week Worth Noting

Inbee Park won the LPGA US Open, her third straight major this year.  She isn’t tall or strong.  Her drives are not long or the most accurate but she leads in Putts Per Greens Hit in Regulation.  Strange, Tiger and Matt Kucher were also winning when their putting stats improved too.

Her confidence under pressure and choosing the right line are so important but writers for GLOBAL GOLF POST saw more:  “She keeps her putting mechanics simple: low left hand, head still, her hands ahead of the ball through impact.  Every putt is struck with the same rhythm, so effortless that she reminds you of the swaying arm of a grandfather clock.”  TICK – TOCK

Putt with a locked wrist for a square impact and straight follow through.

Putt with a locked wrist for a square impact and straight follow through.

Most golfers putt with a conventional grip placing the left hand high.  Inbee’s success is with hitting directly on the intended line and a square putter face at impact.  Light bulbs flashing on!!!  Grip the club any way that works for you.   It’s only the square impact down the intended line that counts.

While practice putting with a locked wrist using GOLFSTR+, I discovered that I no longer “slice” my putts.  Taking any wrist motion out of the putt and finishing along the intended line is so critical.  [By the way, I won a match yesterday on the 18th hole with a critical right to left downhill putt.  It was a pressure putt and I know that my practice with GOLFSTR+ paid off.]

BEWARE: Golf Liability (found in The New York Times)

Don’t be an to hit when golfers are in-front of you especially when you are impatiently waiting for golfers to clear the green and surrounding area on a Par 3 Hole.  If you hit somebody and injure them — you are  going to be found liable by a court.

Image from The New York Times warning about your liability if you hit too soon.

Image from The New York Times warning about your liability if you hit before they clear out ahead.

“The golfer is responsible for making sure that other golfers are out of the way before they hit,” said Robert Lang, a New York-based lawyer who has handled dozens of golf-related cases. “Yes, it’s true they aren’t responsible for hitting someone one or two holes away because they slice a ball, but if you’re on the tee and someone is near the green of the hole you are aiming at and you hit that person, you’re liable.”

In other words, multiple courts have ruled that golfers aren’t accountable for errant shots, but hitting someone in your intended line of fire is not an accident.

Like this article and spread the word that GOLFSTR is 5 Golf Training Aids in 1.         5-in-1

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FIVE Training Aids are Better than ONE

Our customers invented 4 more ways to use GOLFSTR.    MORE BANG FOR THE BUCK!    Why didn’t I think of that?   Now you get 5 training aids for the price of 1.  We call it GOLFSTR+

Now you can purchase a wonderful Arm Training Aid for every swing in your game: Driving, Fairway Shots, Pitching, Chipping and Putting. It helps you control bent elbow, wrist lag, wrist cupping/bowing in the back-swing, yips in your putt and cupping in your sand, chip and pitch shots.

It really is the complete GOLF SWING Arm Trainer. CLICK FOR Video of the 5 Uses for GOLFSTR+

#1 USE: Straight Elbow Swing: Some of our customers asked about a more intense pressure on the back of the arm. We decided to give you 3 options by adding a rubber EXTENDER with 3 ways to use it: OFF, UP or DOWN.  All future orders will include the EXTENDER at no extra charge for a limited time.  If you want to purchase an EXTENDER it will soon be listed on the Store Page www.golfstr.com for $ZERO + $10 S&H.

3 Options for pressure on back of the arm
#2, #3, #4 USE: Putting, Chipping and Back-swing: Snug it over your golf glove with the curved end running over your knuckles.  GOLFSTR prevents your wrist from bending forward.

#5 USE: Lag Trainer: Reverse the arm band and mount the plastic plate curved up on the back of the thumb on your gloved hand. WARNING If you don’t have an EXTENDER you should ONLY use this application when wearing a golf glove on your leading hand (on the Left Hand when using Right Handed golf clubs). Feeling GOLFSTR  on the back of your thumb helps you learn to hold your lag in the back-swing for more power and distance in your hits.

For Every Swing in Your Game

For Every Swing in Your Game

GOLFSTR+ is still available on this site at $29.99 and will increase to $39.99 this summer.

Buy it now at    www.GOLFSTR.com

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Great Chipping Drill to get Close for a 1-Putt Green!

Chipping close to the pin can save you 1 or 2 shots per hole.  What are you waiting for?  Recreational players often hinge their wrist in the back swing or follow through with an early release cupping the ball.  Often this leads to fat shots leaving it short or thin hits sculling across the green. 

One of the instructors at the Jim McLean Golf School in Doral, Florida recently sent out a great tip to improve CHIPPING.  He called it the Pen Drill. [ Looks like he’s trying to copy the latest release for GOLFSTR. ]

The instructor suggested placing a pen under your watch band on your leading hand to prevent your wrist from bending forward at impact.  Even better, place GOLFSTR  on your wrist over your golf glove for a more rigid control than a skinny pen.

GOLFSTR used for Flat Wrist Chipping practice.

Practice using GOLFSTR: Learn to keep your Wrist Flat when chipping

Close-up view of GOLFSTR locking the wrist when chipping

Close-up view of GOLFSTR locking the wrist when chipping

 The primary use for GOLFSTR  is a training aid on your elbow to keep your leading arm straight in the back-swing.  Fortunately there are 3 more uses for GOLFSTR when you snug it on over your golf glove with the end curling over your knuckles.  Forget the Pen Drill.  GOLFSTR  holds your wrist rigid for putting, chipping, pitching and in the back-swing (to avoid cupping and bowing your wrist).

Practice with GOLFSTR  for the perfect chip.  For shorter chips just open your stance with your feet inches apart and pressure on your leading foot.  Practice the pendulum swing (like a putting stroke) to get the feel for the distance.   Practice with different clubs to see how far they will hit (in the air plus roll) with different amounts of back-swing. 

Your chip swing should always be the same height in the back swing as you swing in the follow through.  Swing the club head directly along the line of your target landing location.   The swing is short so you can almost feel like you are tossing it at the target.

Use GOLFSTR  to master chipping and then use the same motion with more back swing and lower loft clubs for short pitch shots.


1/ Check www.golfstr.com for more training aid uses for GOLFSTR.   GOLFSTR+  will be announced shortly with 5 training aid uses for every swing in your game.

2/ I just signed a pledge to help SPEED UP THE PACE OF PLAY.   USGA ads just started to run using Rodney Dangerfield’s famous line from CADDYSHACK prompting his playing partner to get moving “While we’re young”.  (We are growing old just waiting for the hit.)   Get with the program and speed up play!  Click to sign-up on the USGA PACE OF PLAY WEBSITE

3/ Please LIKE this Swing Tip to share it with your friends!

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Putt the Lights Out Like Koooch!

When the putting stats for Tiger Woods and Matt Kuchar hit the top 10, they win tournaments.   If putting success is so important and they are the best putters in the world we should all try to understand why.  Both Tiger and Kuchar lock their wrists and swing with the rotation of their shoulders and spine but Kuchar is unique.

Kuchar recently started to win by setting up with a longer than normal putter which he lines up with his leading forearm.   (It’s not locked into his  belly but you may see more belly putters cut down to the size of Matt’s now that they are being  banned from tournament play.)

He shifts his body and weight to his left foot and lines up the ball forward in his stance to allow the putter grip to lean directly up his left arm.  His elbows are bent and tucked into his sides.  His feet are wider than his normal relaxed stance.  Like Tiger, he sets up with his shaft leaning slightly ahead of the ball (forward press).

The lineup of his leading arm and putter never breaks.  His knees are locked like a statue so that his only motion is caused by his spine rotation as he rocks his shoulders in a pendulum swing. 

He swings in an arc. Open in the back swing and closed at the finish, exactly the same way Tiger does it.

You can duplicate this swing with your conventional putter!

1/ Practice with GOLFSTR  by wearing it over your golf glove (on your leading wrist) to get the feel for putting with a locked wrist.  Take the same posture as Kuchar and gain confidence as you sink more putts.

2/ To lock your hands together, point the first finger on your leading hand over the knuckles of your right hand.   [This takes the small twitching muscles out of your putt and eliminates the yips.]

Lock your hands by extending your first finger over the knuckles of your lower hand.

Lock your hands by extending your first finger over the knuckles of your lower hand.

You can forget about the benefits of long putters as long as you lock your wrists & hands and use your spine & shoulders to swing the putter.  GOLFSTR  is a great training solution to help your get there.

ANNOUNCEMENT:  GOLFSTR  is a training aid for the straight arm swing as well as the straight wrist putt, chip, pitch and back-swing.  Check out www.golfstr.com for the latest updates.  4-in-1 Arm Trainer.

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So why not Anchor the Traditional Putter?



Now that the US Golf Association and the R&A have killed the anchored putter, GOLFSTR has the solution!  Take the small twitching arm and wrist muscles out of the swing.  Lock your wrist during the putting stroke. Tiger did it.  Why don’t you?

Tiger Putting Locked in Triangular ShapeTiger is the best putter in the world.  Why not copy success.  Instead of anchoring his putter to his chest or belly he just eliminates all motion in the arms and wrists.  He simply uses his spine to rotate his shoulders and keeps his arms and wrist in a relaxed and locked triangular position.

  •   Take a stance with the forward foot flared about 20 degrees, rear foot is perpendicular to his hitting line.
  •  Practice with GOLFSTR mounted over your gloved hand with the curved end over your knuckles to lock your wrist in line with your forearm.  Tiger uses this straight wrist position to keep his hands slightly ahead of the ball.  His shaft angle is at 5 degrees ahead of the ball and directly in line with his wrist and forearm.  NOTE: The GOLF CHANNEL recently showed a slow motion comparison of Tiger and Rory McIlroy.  Rory starts with about a 10 degree angle, bends his wrist in the back swing to create up to a 20 degree angle bend at impact and he can’t sink a putt to save his life.
  • Rock your shoulders/spine to swing your putter to practice your locked arm swing and get the feel for the right distance
  •  Change the distance of the expected putt by increasing or decreasing  the length of your pendulum swing. 
  • When you feel that you have the right amount of swing, step up to the ball
  • Choose your perfect line 
  •  Keeping your eyes focused directly on the spot where the ball is at rest, repeat the same swing as your last practice swing, pause and look up to see if you picked the right line.  Learn from any break for the next putt.
  • Practice using GOLFSTR and you’ll sink ’em like Tiger in no time.

One More Tip: Mike Calbot, our technical adviser at Old Corkscrew Golf Club (Jack Nicklaus Signature Course), Ft Myers, FL locks his hands together by pointing the first finger of the gloved hand over the fingers of the lower hand.  It really works!  Practice helps too!

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[Why is it that we enjoy seeing the female form of the STRAIGHT ARM SWING?]

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Drive for Show but Chip and Putt for Dough

In recent PGA Tournaments the pros averaged 53% to 73% hitting Greens in Regulation.  Recreational golfers average well below 40% for GIR.  Chipping close to the pin and finishing the hole with one putt is critical for the weekend warriors to make par.    You really should spend more time pitching, chipping and putting if you want to get your score down.

Mike Calbot, Golf Doctor USA, developed a product called Wrist Lock to help golfers practice short range shots with a flat wrist.  When GOLFSTR  was presented to him as a training aid to keep the leading arm straight in the back swing, he immediately recommended it for use on the back of the leading wrist (or golf gloved hand).  Locking the wrist flat is so critical for consistent short range shots.  [Not very flattering but that’s Mike demonstrating with GOLFSTR on his wrist.]

Mike Calbot pitch finish with GOLFSTRGolf Tips Magazine and Revolution Golf Blog both provided recent articles covering the following points for chipping close to the hole.

1/ Take a narrow, open stance: Heels are 2 to 6 inches apart and the leading foot is moved a few inches back from the direction of the hitting line.  This give you room to swing along the target line (without bending your wrist)

2/ Weight is on the leading foot:  Shift forward so that 70% of your weight is on your leading foot to ensure that you impact with the ball before your club gets caught in the grass.

3/ Ball Back in your Stance:  Having the ball lined up with your rear heel forces you to sweep down and through the ball to finish straight up the hitting line.   Let the loft of the club do the lifting.

4/ Flat Wrist: Keeping a flat wrist prevents scooping the ball and flipping it off line.  Low back swing and low follow-through will allow you to get crisp shots at the pin.

Direction and distance are critical for this shot.   Knowing the right club to choose for the density of the grass and the distance to the pin can only be learned with practice.  You need to feel the shot and know what the loft of each club will do for you.

I thought that this series of shots from Golf Tips Magazine is a great chipping illustration.

Straight Wrist Chipping from Golf Tips

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INTRODUCING The 4-in-1 Training Aid Solution: GOLFSTR

GOLFSTR is designed to remind you to keep your leading arm straight in the back-swing and through impact for more power and consistent hits.  Best of all you can wear it while you play 18 holes as a constant reminder and watch your game improve.

Thanks to the comments from many of our customers and also from Mike Calbot, Professional Golf Swing Analyst, Master Instructor and famous golf trick shot artist at the Old Cork Screw Golf Club (a Jack Nicklaus Signature Course) in Ft. Myers, Florida we have discovered 3 more Training Aid Solutions for GOLFSTR.

GOLFSTR has 3 New Training Aid Features when mounted on your wrist and curving over your knuckles.

GOLFSTR has 3 New Training Aid Features when mounted on your wrist and over your knuckles.

Each of these Training Aid Solutions use GOLFSTR mounted on the wrist over your golf glove with the curved end over your knuckles.  (Applies to GOLFSTR with a One Size Fits All arm band)

#2:  Flat Wrist Putting Solution:  Hinging your wrist in the putting stroke causes inconsistent control of the ball.  For consistent, straight putting strokes you need to lock your leading wrist and let your shoulders and spine rotation create the swing. 

#3:   Flat Wrist Swing Solution:  A cupped or bowed wrist on the gloved hand at the top of the back-swing causes inconsistent hits.   For straight shots with controlled trajectory your gloved hand should remain in-line with your arm.  A flat wrist keeps your club face square to the arc of the swing plane. This makes it easier to square the club face at impact for more consistent straight hits.  [The Flat Wrist Swing Solution uses GOLFSTR as a training guide and should only be used when wearing a golf glove and is intended for limited swings to recognize if you have this fatal problem.]

#4:  Chipping Solution: Cupping the leading wrist and scooping the ball at the point of impact creates mishits.  For chip shots your leading wrist should bow slightly at the point of impact and never cup to allow the head of your club to flip ahead of your leading arm.  GOLFSTR prevents you from cupping your wrist and give you more control and distance in your chips.

GOLFSTR sounds like Golf-Stir and it stands for GOLF STRaight.                                          Straight Arm = Straight Shot

Please LIKE this article to share it with your friends and spread the word about GOLFSTR.   We hope to hear about your success with these new Training Aid Solutions. 

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Visualize Your Swing and Generate More Power

Adam Scott has a wonderful Straight Arm Swing.  Most recreational golfers will never reach the rotation that Scott creates in his back swing but you should visualize key positions for your swing.  When you practice or play you need to be fully aware of your limitation in your straight arm back-swing. 

This image shows Scott with his club pointing at 3 o’clock during his transition to the forward swing.  You should coil your hips and shoulders to reach 1, 2 or 3 o’clock but don’t spoil it by bending your leading arm. 

Scott’s back-swing to the 3 o’clock position.

Recreational golfers should use a slow and deliberate motion to find your comfortable transition point before your reverse to the down swing and accelerate through the ball.

Increasing the speed of the back swing will not improve your forward swing.  Slowing down your back swing will only help you reach your ideal transition position.  It will also help you make a smooth transition as you control the start of your forward acceleration. 

In his swing sequence below, Scott also displays a wonderful lag in his wrist release as he uncoils for more power. 

Completing the weight shift to a perfect balanced finish on your leading foot is so critical for every successful drive or fairway shot.

Golf Digest provided these images showing Scott’s straight leading arm back-swing.



Bobby Jones said,   “Many shots are spoiled at the last instance by trying to add just a few more yards.”  

So slow down that back-swing to reach your ideal transition point. 

By swinging at 90% you will enjoy your game a lot more.

Many took advantage of our May Sale offering a 10% discount.  Please pass this opportunity on to your friends as this offer will end May 31 when GOLFSTR starts to sell at golf retailers.  When an order is entered on the STORE page on www.golfstr.com  for a 10% discount you must enter the Coupon Code:  bent elbow

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For Your Ideal Swing: Depend on your MIND, BODY and FOCUS!

Pro golfers achieve excellence when they are in control of their mind, body and focus.   The MIND understands the swing mechanics.  The BODY must be in shape for endurance and strength.  And your FOCUS needs to be in a relaxed state of mind.  Have you figured out how to control your FOCUS?

I was surprised to learn that success using the Straight Arm Swing depended on controlling my focus and my subconscious mind.

Your conscious mind sees the target, the ball and that irritating guy standing beside you.  But your subconscious mind is the accumulation of memories that make you bend your leading arm to swing faster for longer shots.   So how do the pros control their focus and subconscious mind?

  • Tiger is a devout Buddhist who has learned to control his inner emotions and focus as he prepares for a shot and executes each swing.  He visualizes each component of the swing in slow motion.
  • Jack Nicholas focuses on visualizing the trajectory of the shot.
  • Rory McIlroy said that he totally blocks external thoughts.  His focus during the swing is 100% committed to the motion of his swing.
  • Successful pros use sports psychologists for mind control to learn the process of relaxation and focus during their swing.

Fortunately, while golfing with a sore back I had to slow down my back-swing and the results were surprising.   A fast back-swing has little to do with the speed of the forward swing.   Now with a STRAIGHT ARM and a SLOWER, FOCUSED back-swing I have learned to reach my ideal position at the top of my swing for a smooth transition into an accelerating forward swing. 

My golf world has changed and yours can too.   Focus 100% on a  relaxed swing!  Just focus on the words ” Calm and Relaxed ” before you swing and hold that thought as you begin you slow and deliberate straight arm back-swing.


$10 Discount:  Now that GOLFSTR is about to be stocked in PGA TOUR SUPERSTORES and EDWIN WATTS GOLF STORES (south east USA) for under $30, we are offering a limited time $10 Spring Discount when you purchase on-line at www.golfstr.com  .  

CLICK TO enter your order on the STORE page and enter the coupon code:     bent elbow

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