Save Your Body and Your Mind

Here are some great golf tips that I picked up from Golf Magazines over the past week.  Why beat up your body and mind when common sense can help you survive and enjoy this great game?

What’s the best Drink on the Golf Course?
Dr Greg Wells, Sports Scientist for the US Junior National Golf Team advised that hours of practice and planning will all be wasted if your body is lacking basic fuel and nutrients.  Make sure that you fuel your brain with water.  60% of your body weight is made up of water but 90% of your brain is water.  It makes you tick so don’t forget to stay hydrated.

Play Within Yourself
Play within your capabilities.  Ignore the power of your playing partners.  Four hours of golf will take a lot out of your body.  Conserve your energy and play evenly throughout the entire round.  Take one extra club and swing smoothly.  So don’t swing harder, swing smarter.


Hey Jocks, push or pull a cart and save you back.  The extra walk is good for you.  [Stanford's Cameron Wilson is saving his back in the NCAA National Championship]

Hey Jocks, push or pull a cart and save you back. The extra walk is good for you. [Stanford’s Cameron Wilson is saving his back in the NCAA National Championship]

Carry or Push Cart?
Dr. Neil Wolkodoff, medical director of the Colorado Center for Health and Sports Science, conducted a study on the physical benefits of using a push cart vs. carrying your bag.   “People who push a cart have a lot fewer [health] issues, and a lot less potential for issues. If you can use a push cart and keep one more stress away from the back that’s a great thing.”

Avoid Sugar Spikes
Drop the candy bars or “health” bars.  Eat some nuts or fruit every few holes to reduce inflammation.  Nuts and seeds (unsalted, not roasted) are ideal to keep your body in good shape during a round of golf and all day long.

Control Your Attitude
Getting uptight will only hurt your game.  Your reaction during the first 2 seconds after each shot will just build up in your body.  Strangling your club will shorten your muscles, limit your swing speed and change your swing plane.  At the Jack Nicklaus Memorial Tournament, Matsuyama smacked his driver on the ground and broke the shaft before he learned that his drive actually landed in the fairway.  Dumb idea.  So take control of your mind and your game will improve.

Set Goals for Your Game:
-Only 20% of golfers ever achieve a handicap under 18.  Make it happen.
-Walking during an 18-hole round of golf burns 2,000 calories.  Riding only burns 1,300.
-The oldest golfer to match his age to his golf score was 103.  Try to do it at any age.
-Make a hole in one.  Odds are 1 in 67,000,000 to do it twice in the same round.  So just go for 1.

Practice will Improve Your Game:
GOLFSTR+ will give you 6 ways to improve your swing.  Why not practice with the right motion for better impact with the ball — for every swing in your game, CLICK HERE to get a GOLFSTR+.


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