If you want to improve your game you need to recognize how to “Swing like a Pro” and make changes to your swing. Lessons will help you find the flaws. Tiger Woods changed his swing 3 times by first recognizing problems and then committing to make corrections. Of course he had his father, then Butch Harman and now Sean Foley to help him along the way.
For recreational players, learning the correct swing is a starting point. Watching the Golf Channel, watching swing tip videos on the internet and reading golf magazines all contribute to your swing knowledge to finding a reasonable swing to help you “Swing like a Pro”. So what’s missing? Why do you make some amazing swings at the practice range and then fall apart on the course?
Changing to a more consistent powerful swing requires repetition of the correct motion over and over again. Recent articles and blogs are highlighting the importance of completing the same motion a thousand times or even 10,000 times before your brain reprograms. They refer to it as developing MUSCLE MEMORY.
GOLFSTR is a simple training aid that will only help you —IF YOU USE IT —- to retrain your brain. Of course that’s why we call it the Brain Trainer. Understanding the correct swing is the starting point. Giving your brain a reminder to keep the leading arm straight in the back-swing (and forward swing through impact) is one of the best ways to learn to swing like a pro. Repeating the straight leading arm motion over and over again when you drive and make fairway shots or chips is the only way that you can change a forced motion into a learned motion.
Practicing with GOLFSTR is a great starting point but using it for practice rounds of golf is so much more important for your long term success. After you learn the right motion on the practice range, you need to continue playing 18 holes while wearing GOLFSTR to see your game improve. Do this often and your game will change for the best. Focus on Fairways and Greens in Regulation (FIR and GIR). Mark them on your score card with a mark on the upper left and upper right corner as you enter your score. Focusing on improvement is the only way to improve.
Repeating success over and over will give you the true joy of playing this wonderful game.
NOTE: These blogs are intended to motivate you on a weekly basis. We hope you will email them on to your golfing friends.