What’s Your Trigger for Success?

Every golfer is looking for a special trigger that will guarantee success every time we swing a golf club. We are always searching for that magic formula that leads to the perfect draw or fad. I have asked many golfers and PGA Professionals what triggers they use to generate effortless shots. Each golfer seems to have their own personal success move. You should have at least one position or move that you know will create successful results every time you swing a club.

I’m hoping that this list will give you the best trigger for your swings:

What’s your trigger: Slow takeaway, ear behind the ball, pressure shift or driving to a balanced finish.

Lag for Power: Slow down your backswing to create lag with your straight leading arm.

Swing up the Slot: Make a wide takeaway on a high plane with a slight loop at the top as you flatten your downswing up the slot from the inside to outside.

Stable Spine: Coil your spine without swaying back during your backswing.

Light Grip: Hold your club lightly so that it fells heavy during the transition. That creates the lag that you need to unload on your ball as you whip your club through your ball.

Lazy Wrists: Another way to feel the same emotion: Don’t get tight at the top during the transition. Let your hands get lazy. Let you club feel heavy so that it can create more lag as your hands start to drop during your down swing.

Foot Pressure: During your transition, feel the pressure shift from the inside of your trailing foot to full pressure on your leading foot through impact.

Leading Ear: Start your drive with your leading ear behind your ball and keep it behind your ball through impact

Finish Your Swing: Release up your target line with a balanced finish.

Load up your Swing:  from the ground on your trailing instep to your hips shoulders, arms and wrist lag.

Leading Eye on the Ball: Jack Nicklaus turned his head during his backswing to keep his leading eye fixed on his ball and through impact.

Try these triggers or figure out what works for you and then use it religiously to generate a consistent swing. Practice with your GOLFSTR+ to learn to control your moves. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com


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