What’s More Important for Longer Drives?

Strength or Flexibility? Unfortunately most of us sit at a computer or commute for too many hours in a day. There is never seems to be enough time to get in the proper exercise before we play a round of golf. After all, golf is exercise so why should you have to get in shape for a friendly round?

Unfortunately golf is an explosive exercise. If you are looking for a way to strain your muscles . . . GOLF is a good way to do it. Strength is important but flexibility and timing are far more important in golf for you long term enjoyment.

STRENGTH: You need a planned exercise program to build up over time. Good golf depends on strength in your arms, core and legs. Core conditioning is most important for a golfer because all movements in your entire body stem from the strength in this area. Tiger is an example of a great golfer who needed a more balanced exercise program.

Rory's drives were over 300 yards before he started strength exercises to lose body fat.  Flexibility and core strength gave him his distance.

Rory’s drives were over 300 yards before he focused on strength exercises to lose body fat. Flexibility and core strength gave him his distance, NOT his newly developed muscles.

Men’s Health Magazine published an article about Rory McIlroy’s new exercise program since winning his first major in 2010, “McIlroy was a classic skinny-soft golfer, with obvious natural ability and flexibility—but with a tiny bit of paunch and jiggle.” He has since changed some body fat to muscle, “gained stability” and he still hits over 300 yard drives. My point here is that his flexibility gave him his distance NOT THE EXTRA MUSCLE.

John Daly's driving distance comes from his flexibility.  There must be some core strength in there too.

John Daly’s driving distance comes from his AMAZING flexibility. There must be some core strength in there too.

FLEXIBILITY: Ideally you should warm up all of your muscles before you start your stretch exercises. 5 minutes on a stationary bike or treadmill are recommended. If you don’t have time to warm up, make sure that you don’t stretch to your limit. Here are 3 flexibility exercises that I received from the Revolution Golf Blog and a personal trainer. Always start any program in moderation with a limited number of repetitions and increase over time.

Neck Mobility: Power comes from rotation of your spin and core but if you want to keep your eye on the ball then your shoulders need to rotate while your head stays stationary. EXERCISE: up to 10 turns to the left and then 10 to the right, 10 times nodding of your head up and chin down to your chest and then 10 head tips to the right (ear toward your shoulder), center and left. [Build up the stretch over time.]

Arm and Shoulder Mobility: If you are ever going to swing with a straight leading arm during the backswing and follow through, you need to do this EXERCISE: Lay on your back with your arms at your sides. Slowly slide them up along the floor to form a U shape and then slide them over your head. ONLY move your arm up to the point where they lift off the floor and stretch that position for 30 to 60 seconds. Do this daily to stretch out your chest.

Spine Mobility: Lay on your back with your arms pointing straight out from your side and both knees bent with your feet flat on the floor. Roll your knees to the left while keeping your shoulders and arms outstretched on the floor (or as close as you can) and hold for 10 seconds. Then return to your starting position and roll to the right side. Repeat this 3 to 5 times.

Flexibility is the key for longer distance and better golf. GOLFSTR+ is the right training solutions for 6 swing fixes for a straight arm or flat wrist where you need it for Putting, Chipping, Drives or Fairway Shots. Order your GOLFSTR+ today. Buy it on line at www.golfstr.com.


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