What’s right for Tiger could give you PARALYSIS BY ANALYSIS?

Watching Tiger in the Masters proves that he is back on his game thanks to Steve Stricker and Sean Foley.  What exactly did Steve do for Tiger’s putting and what has Sean done for Tiger’s driving setup?  It’s amazing to see that the following 2 adjustments can make all the difference for Tiger. {Now he needs training to hit approach shots 2 inches to the right of the flag pole.  It would have won him the Masters.}

One thing for sure is that Tiger has a consistent hit with his Straight Leading Arm.

Putting tip from Steve Stricker:  He noticed that Tiger’s putting grip was “strong” and that “his hands were behind the ball”.   Steve said “Just tried to get him set up in a better position where he could feel like he could accelerate down through the line a little bit.”   It appears that he weakened Tiger’s right hand by rotating it slightly toward the front of the putter.  This allows him to putt along his intended line.

Foley gave him Better Balance in his setup: The professionals see that Tiger now puts 60% of his pressure on the balls of his feet and 40% on the heel.  A relaxed balance is so important at setup.  This only makes sense because we lean forward to grip the club.    

So this is what seems to be working for Tiger and may help the recreational golfer but give yourself a shake.  I just got woken up by a 90 year old gentleman in Delray Beach, FL (wise beyond his years) who called about buying GOLFSTR.  He wanted a GOLF SWING TRAINING AID that reminded him to keep his leading left arm straight in the back-swing.  He said “I don’t want paralysis by analysis”. He was so right.

Use the KISS method: Keep it Simple Stupid.  Straight leading arm, hinge the wrists, smooth transition and swing with a lag from the inside, down the target line to a photo finish.

Why didn’t I think of that?



  • Leon Gibbs says:

    Any way to reduce sweating under the GolfStr during practice? In warm weather markets like VA and further south, I would think this would be a negative using the device.

    • Bill says:

      Excellent question as I have played 18 holes during 90 degree weather while wearing GOLFSTR. Only the narrow curved end of the plastic plate touches the back of your arm. On very hot days the sweat causes the small strip to stick to your skin. If GOLFSTR lifts off your arm in the back swing the sticky feeling just magnifies the change as it lifts off your arm. The arm band is only 2 inches wide and does not seem to build up any sweat as it seems to breathe. [White Arm bands are only available if you purchase your GOLFSTR on this website. I was more concerned that GOLFSTR would mess up the tan on my arm. This is also not a problem as I normally use GOLFSTR when I warm up and sometimes (just to keep my brain tuned up) I like to play 9 holes with GOLFSTR on and 9 with it off. Enjoy, Bill Curry