Why are Top Pros Changing Their Putting Grips?

40% of your strokes are made with your putter in every round of golf. You really should take advantage of this club to cut your scores. The top pros have changed to fat grips but have you noticed the variety of grips that Rory, Jordan, Phil, Jason and Sergio are using? They are all different and you need to understand why.

Avoid Swing in an Arc: The Pros all know the line where they want to hit each putt but they need to be swing the putter directly up that line and hitting on the center of their putter face.  If they swing their putter in an arc it’s impossible to hit putts without some side spin. When you swing in an arc the face of your putter is always changing direction. THIS IS NOT GOOD!

Sink More Putts? The Pros know that they have to choose a target line to compensate for the slope and tilt of the green. Good putters choose the right direction and speed to accommodate that tilt. After you choose your target line, a straight putt and speed ARE THE ONLY THOUGHTS that you need for a good putt.

Why Are the Pros Changing Their Putting Grip? We are seeing Rory and Jordon gripping with left hand low and Phil is gripping with an interesting claw grip with his trailing hand. The science of putting is different for each person based on being left or right brain thinking and the physical strength of our bodies on the left or the right side of our bodies. No one is identical so everyone should experiment for your optimum putting grip for your preferred style of putter and handle grip.

This old putting sequence of Rory McIlroy illustrates how he rocks his shoulders and finishes by swinging straight up the target line.

This old putting sequence illustrates how  Rory McIlroy rocks his shoulders and follows through by swinging straight up the target line.

The pros determine their dominant putting hand in order to make a straight swing through the impact point with the ball. Ideally [for a right hand club] you should be controlling your putt with your leading arm as the swing of your putter from the center line of your body (which is in line with your ball at rest) to your left shoulder will create the least arc in your swing. [If you control your putter with your trailing arm, it tends to wrap around your body as you swing from your right shoulder and pull your putt left. ]

Phil and many others use a claw grip to minimize the control of his claw grip hand. They depend on their other hand [the dominant putting hand] to control the swing directly up the target line. There is nothing wrong with a conventional grip as long as you let your dominant hand force the putter to swing directly up your target line at the point of impact with the ball. [Impact only lasts for a split second as you impact the ball but direction and momentum of your putter makes all the difference.]

Determine your dominant hand by hitting multiple putts with one hand at a time to understand which hand gives you the best control for direction and distance. Adjust your putting style to make sure that your dominant hand is in control. Always practice putting making sure that you putt by locking your leading wrist and swing with the rocking action of your shoulders. Practice with your GOLFSTR+ to lock your wrist. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com


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