Is your Face or Path Killing Shots ?

It is amazing to watch the flight path of golf balls when they uses a tracer line during tournament broadcasts on TV. The balls start out left or right and then draw or fade before they drop out of the sky. Occasionally we even see the dreaded straight ball when least expected. Unfortunately recreational golfers tend to make more dramatic hooks and slices. You will never be a good golfer if you don’t know how to control your impact direction as well as your draw or fade.

The following descriptions are all from a right handed golfer’s point of view.

Control Your Ball’s Flight Path
CLUB FACE DIRECTION is responsible for 85% of the INITIAL direction of the ball. So a closed club face will pull left and an open club face will push right at the point of impact. Choosing your club face direction at setup is only half of your problem. As your grip pressure changed more with one hand or the other during you back and down swing, you may be changing your club face direction. That’s why a light to moderate grip pressure with both hands allows your leading wrist to return to the identical setup direction at impact.

Get ride of that slice. Close your club face slightly at setup and make sure that you are swinging from the inside to out across your ball for a nice draw.

Unfortunately SWING PATH can cause most of the SHAPE of your shot to curve left or right. Your swing path at the point of impact causes side spin. Golf swing path causes the ball to travel in the opposite direction as the club face smashes across the surface of the ball.
Swinging from inside of your target line to outside of your target line (away from your body), will spin your ball back to the left side of your target line.
Swinging from (over the top) outside of your target line and across your ball to the inside of the target line, will slice your ball to the right of your target line.

Recreational Golfer’s Solution
Most recreational golfers tend to slice the ball. If your club face is open at impact and your swing path is from (over the top) outside to in, you are guaranteed to create a major slice. A tight grip will just guaranty a major slice.

1/ Setup with a light grip pressure and stay consistent throughout the swing.
2/ Swing wide and up to the top so that you will loop and swing from the inside, up the slot or up the target line.
3/ An alternate suggestion is to take your trailing foot 2 inches back of the line parallel to your target line.
4/ Keep your eye on the ball through impact or you will lift your swing plane and slice or top the ball.
5/ Finish Your Swing: Complete your swing up your target line into a balanced finish as your watch your amazing shot draw into your target line.

You will never be a good golfer if you don’t focus on the basics. Practice with GOLFSTR+ to control your elbow and wrist for every swing in your game. Buy one today at
