Great Video Endorsing the Straight Arm Golf Swing

About 50% of golfers swing a golf club with a bent leading arm!   This appears to be the #1 swing flaw.  The National Golf Foundation  estimates that only 25% of golfers break 90.  A straight leading arm in the back swing and through impact will really help you consistently break 90.

If you watched the Masters, you saw that the pros keep their leading arm straight for more power and consistent connection with the ball. If it was easy you would have done this long ago. 

The key to improving your swing is to first learn the correct swing (video below).  Then you need to continuously repeat this straight arm swing as you practice and as you play (when the pressure is on). 

CLICK HERE for Video: Right Way to Keep Your Left Arm Straight by Golf Info Guide at 

It’s not easy to make the change and that’s why GOLFSTR is such an important brain trainer to help you repeat a successful swing.  It helps you build muscle memory.  So warm up your swing before each round with GOLFSTR and practice with it on the golf course TO KEEP YOUR MIND FOCUSED on the straight arm swing.

The pros make it look easy:   Straight Arm – Straight Shot.



  • Troy Vayanos says:

    Yes it’s very well explained in the video. The professionals make it look really easy. I spend at least 10 minutes stretching before I tee off to ensure I have enough flexibility to enable the full rotation of the shoulders making it easier to keep that arm straight.

    • Bill says:

      Thanks Troy, I did not realize that stretching my leading arm could be so helpful. I have a very tight back so my rotation is limited. Glad to hear that you agree that this video has been helpful. Enjoy Bill Curry